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  • UNHCR Egypt account thumbnail

    UNHCR Egypt

    @UNHCREgypt - 07/09/2020

    RT @WHOEMRO: Join us tomorrow 🗓️ for the launch of the new online training course on “Primary health care practice (PHC) in the context of…

  • UNHCR Egypt account thumbnail

    UNHCR Egypt

    @UNHCREgypt - 06/09/2020

    الحفاظ على الخدمات الصحية الأساسية 🏨 الوقاية من كوفيد-١٩ ودعم تدابير الصحة العامة الفعالة ✅ تشخيص حالات كوفيد-١٩ وضمان الإحالة المناسبة 🤒 التدبير العلاجي للحالات الخفيفة والمتوسطة 🧑🏼‍⚕️ للمزيد من التفاصيل والتسجيل👇🏼

  • UNHCR Egypt account thumbnail

    UNHCR Egypt

    @UNHCREgypt - 06/09/2020

    .@WHOEMRO, UNHCR & partners have developed an online training course to support primary healthcare personnel to effectively assist in controlling #COVID19. Course is accredited from @AACME1. Learn more: Register:

  • UNHCR Egypt account thumbnail

    UNHCR Egypt

    @UNHCREgypt - 05/09/2020

    RT @WHOEMRO: @WHOEMRO & partners have developed an online training course on the role of primary health care in the context of #COVID19. It…

  • UNHCR Egypt account thumbnail

    UNHCR Egypt

    @UNHCREgypt - 05/09/2020

    RT @UNHCRinSudan: UNHCR’s first airlift for flood survivors in Sudan just landed. ✅Plastic sheeting against the ongoing rains. ✅Sleeping…

  • UNHCR Egypt account thumbnail

    UNHCR Egypt

    @UNHCREgypt - 04/09/2020

    RT @UNHCR_Arabic: في عام 2019: 📗 %36 من الفتيان اللاجئين التحقوا بالمدارس الثانوية 📕 %27 فقط من الفتيات اللاجئات التحقن بالمدارس الثانوية…

  • UNHCR Egypt account thumbnail

    UNHCR Egypt

    @UNHCREgypt - 03/09/2020

    هل تعلم أن ٤٨٪ من أطفال #اللاجئين خارج مقاعد الدراسة 🏫؟ الحصول على #التعليم هو حق أصيل للاجئين من مختلف الأعمار وندعوكم للعمل معنا لتشجيعهم على الالتحاق بالصفوف الدراسية📚.

  • UNHCR Egypt account thumbnail

    UNHCR Egypt

    @UNHCREgypt - 03/09/2020

    RT @Refugees: COVID-19 has led to the greatest disruption of education in history, affecting 1.6 billion learners. Including millions of y…

  • UNHCR Egypt account thumbnail

    UNHCR Egypt

    @UNHCREgypt - 03/09/2020

    Education is a human right. Yet 48% of refugee children are out of school. Donors like the EU 🇪🇺 are helping us change that by supporting 23,610 refugee and asylum-seeker children in Egypt to receive education grants in 2020. Thank you EU🙏🏽!

  • UNHCR Egypt account thumbnail

    UNHCR Egypt

    @UNHCREgypt - 03/09/2020

    🍎77% of refugees are enrolled in primary education. ✏️33% of refugees are enrolled in secondary education. 📚3% of refugees are enrolled in university. Education is the power to open doors and unlock dreams. We must do better for refugees. #BackToSchool