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  • UNHCR République du Congo account thumbnail

    UNHCR République du Congo

    @UNHCRCongo - 14/05/2022

    @AERavetto on the way to Makotipoko, Plateaux. It takes 5hr car + 2hr boat ride (one way) from Brazzaville. In the Rep. of Congo, we face dire logistical conditions to support the 44,136 refugees hosted in rural remote communities. But we rise to the challenge! #Withrefugees

  • UNHCR République du Congo account thumbnail

    UNHCR République du Congo

    @UNHCRCongo - 12/05/2022

    RT @m_duponchel: In preparation for #WRD, Gloire 12, from DRC is participating in a drawing context on ‘living together’. In his CM1 class…

  • UNHCR République du Congo account thumbnail

    UNHCR République du Congo

    @UNHCRCongo - 12/05/2022

    Jolie, 22 and mother of two toddlers, received a kit of household items today. She is one of 5,000 refugees living in Bouemba, Republic of Congo, who fled intercommunal violence in the DRC in 2019. Photo: @m_duponchel

  • UNHCR République du Congo account thumbnail

    UNHCR République du Congo

    @UNHCRCongo - 10/05/2022

    We are closing a 2nd wave of M&E survey: enumerators went across the Likouala Department in Northern Congo to interview a sample of 500 vulnerable refugees and host communities benefitting from @lisungi_sfs unconditional cash and AGR support to evaluate progress + bottlenecks.

  • UNHCR République du Congo account thumbnail

    UNHCR République du Congo

    @UNHCRCongo - 10/05/2022

    Les artisants réfugiés de Brazzaville recoivent un coaching sur le développement d'objets qu'ils exposeront lors d'un marché artisanal organisé pour la Journée Mondiale du Réfugié le 20 Juin par le UNHCR @ecolespecialeBrazza. Suivez-nous pour plus d'information #WorldRefugeeDay

  • UNHCR République du Congo account thumbnail

    UNHCR République du Congo

    @UNHCRCongo - 21/03/2022

    The #FragilityForum discussed experiences of delivering social protection to refugees and host populations in 🇨🇬through the WB-funded Lisungi project, with UNHCR technical support. For➕on social protection in displacement contexts, listen to the podcast 👉

  • UNHCR République du Congo account thumbnail

    UNHCR République du Congo

    @UNHCRCongo - 15/03/2022

    Extreme poverty in refugee-hosting northern Congo is widespread, but the 🇨🇬gov’s commitment to refugees’ socio-eco inclusion & support to host communities has boosted public investment to enhance resilience. Long term strategies are key #FragilityForum2022

  • UNHCR République du Congo account thumbnail

    UNHCR République du Congo

    @UNHCRCongo - 15/03/2022

    As this year’s #FragilityForum2022 comes to a close, UNHCR will continue working alongside the Republic of Congo and its partners on strategies that support both refugees and the communities that host them. Tune into the final day’s proceedings:

  • UNHCR République du Congo account thumbnail

    UNHCR République du Congo

    @UNHCRCongo - 14/03/2022

    UNHCR supports the Congo government to implement social safety nets targeting refugees and host populations, esp in the remote Likouala dept. Watch #FragilityForum2022 as experts discuss socio-eco inclusion as a sustainable strategy to refugee crises:

  • UNHCR République du Congo account thumbnail

    UNHCR République du Congo

    @UNHCRCongo - 14/03/2022

    Inclusion of refugees and their host communities in 🇨🇬’s Lisungi social safety nets project is a key step towards implementing the recommendations of the Global Compact on Refugees👉#FragilityForum2022 for more on long-term strategies to refugee situations