UNHCR Afghanistan
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UNHCR Afghanistan
@UNHCRAfg - 21/11/2022
RT @UNHCRfrance: Comme Fatima et ses enfants, des millions de personnes en #Afghanistan sont toujours déplacées à l'intérieur du pays. En…
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UNHCR Afghanistan
@UNHCRAfg - 20/11/2022
RT @Refugees: Winter approaches in some countries. Impact of drought intensifies in others. Struggles and needs of the people forced to fle…
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UNHCR Afghanistan
@UNHCRAfg - 19/11/2022
RT @UNHCRfrance: Hashem travaille comme porteur au marché. Il récupère des matériaux à brûler pour tenir sa famille au chaud. Leur petite…
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UNHCR Afghanistan
@UNHCRAfg - 17/11/2022
RT @UNHCRfrance: "Si nous avions une école dans le village, nous laisserions toutes les filles étudier, c'est leur droit. Les femmes doiven…
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UNHCR Afghanistan
@UNHCRAfg - 10/11/2022
RT @UNHCRAfg: In Daikundi, the Priority Area of Return + Reintegration is a building block for future stability as voluntary returns procee…
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UNHCR Afghanistan
@UNHCRAfg - 09/11/2022
In various regions of Afghanistan authorities are taking steps to promote civil registration and reduce the danger of people falling into situations of #statelessness In Badakshan’s Wakhan corridor local Pamiris received ID cards - https://t.co/X6tbN6uvUa #IBelong https://t.co/7zcPTTRBWP
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UNHCR Afghanistan
@UNHCRAfg - 08/11/2022
RT @UNHCRAfg: “Women remain the most affected group in accessing civil registration and identity documents," said Maulavi Ahmad Ahmadi, Dir…
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UNHCR Afghanistan
@UNHCRAfg - 08/11/2022
“Women remain the most affected group in accessing civil registration and identity documents," said Maulavi Ahmad Ahmadi, Director, Directorate of Refugees and Repatriation. "We appreciate the support of UNHCR in promoting access for women to acquire Tazkira (identity card)"
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UNHCR Afghanistan
@UNHCRAfg - 08/11/2022
Residents of southeastern Afghanistan frequently lack civil documentation. We held a workshop in Khost to launch the “Promotion of Civil Registration and Issuance of Civil Status Documentation in Southeast Region of Afghanistan" initiative. #iBelong #EndStatelessness https://t.co/GaVF5CWEff
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UNHCR Afghanistan
@UNHCRAfg - 08/11/2022
RT @UNHCRAfg: We are proud to support Afghan women artisans. Women displayed their art, embroidery, carpets, ceramics, textiles, handbags,…
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