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  • Samar Mazloum account thumbnail

    Samar Mazloum

    @Samar_A_Mazloum - 16/11/2022

    Pleased to hear about the support FSWS provide to the community at large including refugee communities. Looking forward to our continued collaboration.

  • Samar Mazloum account thumbnail

    Samar Mazloum

    @Samar_A_Mazloum - 28/10/2022

    @USAmbMalta Welcome to Malta and wish you all the best

  • Samar Mazloum account thumbnail

    Samar Mazloum

    @Samar_A_Mazloum - 04/10/2022

    Congratulations to Angela Merkel a well-deserved award 🌟

  • Samar Mazloum account thumbnail

    Samar Mazloum

    @Samar_A_Mazloum - 26/09/2022

    Pleased to have welcomed Mr. Malcolm Cutajar, CEO of the International Protection Agency, to our new premises today to discuss noteworthy practices in Refugee Status Determination and upcoming efforts to strengthen national procedures.

  • Samar Mazloum account thumbnail

    Samar Mazloum

    @Samar_A_Mazloum - 24/09/2022

    IOM, UNHCR, and UNRWA: Latest tragedy at sea off Syria must prompt action : via @refugees

  • Samar Mazloum account thumbnail

    Samar Mazloum

    @Samar_A_Mazloum - 24/09/2022

  • Samar Mazloum account thumbnail

    Samar Mazloum

    @Samar_A_Mazloum - 24/09/2022

    “We call for full solidarity from the international community to help improve the conditions of forcibly displaced people and host communities in the Middle East, particularly in countries neighboring Syria. Too many people are being pushed to the brink.” Filippo Grandi

  • Samar Mazloum account thumbnail

    Samar Mazloum

    @Samar_A_Mazloum - 21/09/2022

    Happy Independence Day

  • Samar Mazloum account thumbnail

    Samar Mazloum

    @Samar_A_Mazloum - 18/09/2022

    A nice Sunday morning at Peace Lab. Here young men receive accommodation, guidance and moral support to work for a better future and set an example to their peers. Behind all the amazing success stories I heard is a humble and wonderful man, Father Mintoff. Thank you Father🙏🏻🤍

  • Samar Mazloum account thumbnail

    Samar Mazloum

    @Samar_A_Mazloum - 11/09/2022

    "أنا هنا" اخبرتني هذه الجدة السورية و انا في قصر الأمم المتحدة في جنيف اسير مسرعةً لقاعة الاجتماع حيث يلتقي المفوض السامي لشؤون اللاجئين بممثلين المفوضية من كل قارات العالم. نظرت اليها بإعجاب و اخبرتها " نحن هنا" ♥️ جنيف- 05/09/2022