Samar Mazloum
1 - 10 of 56 posts
Samar Mazloum
@Samar_A_Mazloum - 11/07/2023
Excited to continue our strong collaboration in areas of mutual interest with the new CEO of AWAS, Mr Clayton Xuereb and his team. Looking forward to making positive strides for the welfare of asylum-seekers and refugees.
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Samar Mazloum
@Samar_A_Mazloum - 21/06/2023
RT @UNHCRMalta: ? Thanks to all those who joined us for yesterday's commemoration of #WorldRefugeeDay at Spazju Kreattiv Cinema with a scre…
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Samar Mazloum
@Samar_A_Mazloum - 20/06/2023
Inclusion removes barriers and creates hope. On World Refugee Day, let’s be reminded to keep their hope alive. Every action counts, a smile counts.
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Samar Mazloum
@Samar_A_Mazloum - 16/06/2023
RT @FilippoGrandi: The number of people forced to flee has risen again. They are now more than 110 million worldwide. War, violence, perse…
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Samar Mazloum
@Samar_A_Mazloum - 14/06/2023
RT @UNHCRGreece: It is heart-breaking. 41 bodies recovered & fears that hundreds more may be missing in a shipwreck off Pylos, Greece. Suc…
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Samar Mazloum
@Samar_A_Mazloum - 08/06/2023
RT @UNHCRMalta: Delighted to host @erikwest73, Director for EU Affairs in [MFA NE] and @DjoekeAdimi in a meeting with members of the Malta…
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Samar Mazloum
@Samar_A_Mazloum - 16/11/2022
Pleased to hear about the support FSWS provide to the community at large including refugee communities. Looking forward to our continued collaboration.
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Samar Mazloum
@Samar_A_Mazloum - 28/10/2022
@USAmbMalta Welcome to Malta and wish you all the best
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Samar Mazloum
@Samar_A_Mazloum - 04/10/2022
Congratulations to Angela Merkel a well-deserved award 🌟
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Samar Mazloum
@Samar_A_Mazloum - 26/09/2022
Pleased to have welcomed Mr. Malcolm Cutajar, CEO of the International Protection Agency, to our new premises today to discuss noteworthy practices in Refugee Status Determination and upcoming efforts to strengthen national procedures.
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