UNHCR Representation for EU Affairs
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UNHCR Representation for EU Affairs
@Refugees_EU - 21/11/2022
📢 Last chance to register! Join UNHCR and @ecre's in-person event in Brussels this Thursday to discuss our latest report on how 🇪🇺 AMIF and ISF-BV funds are being used outside the EU. 🔗 Register + find more info here: https://t.co/8cd1T9qklM https://t.co/vufUgcujVv
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UNHCR Representation for EU Affairs
@Refugees_EU - 21/11/2022
📺 #WorldTelevisionDay is starting a special week off the right way! You can finally start streaming #TheSwimmers on @netflix from Wednesday — the awe-inspiring movie based on the lives of UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador @YusraMardini and her sister Sara. https://t.co/8r0FUvzJZl
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UNHCR Representation for EU Affairs
@Refugees_EU - 21/11/2022
Whoever they are. Wherever they come from. Whenever they are forced to flee. Every person has the right to seek asylum. https://t.co/nwOtPXrZ6v
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UNHCR Representation for EU Affairs
@Refugees_EU - 20/11/2022
RT @Refugees: Being with family is a human right. Yet many refugee children remain separated from their family members. This #WorldChildr…
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UNHCR Representation for EU Affairs
@Refugees_EU - 20/11/2022
An alarming percentage of those forced to flee are children. We must protect all children, especially the most vulnerable who were forced to flee their homes. 🔗 https://t.co/3zTVD8KnDY #WorldChildrenDay https://t.co/Q9nd2WksYD
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UNHCR Representation for EU Affairs
@Refugees_EU - 19/11/2022
Wherever they come from, stand #WithRefugees. https://t.co/gRsiZwuEeN
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UNHCR Representation for EU Affairs
@Refugees_EU - 19/11/2022
You can’t pass classes without taking exams, yet data shows that at every step of the way fewer refugee girls are sitting in on exams. Inclusive education means refugee girls cannot be left behind. #RightToLearn https://t.co/5e11AoMoZ7
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UNHCR Representation for EU Affairs
@Refugees_EU - 18/11/2022
"With over 70 per cent of the world’s displaced people coming from the most climate-vulnerable countries, we must see explicit recognition of refugees and displaced people in the COP27 outcome document." #COP27 https://t.co/4JcCbYie0q
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UNHCR Representation for EU Affairs
@Refugees_EU - 18/11/2022
RT @RefugeesMedia: .@refugees calls for a ban on forced returns of asylum-seekers to the eastern provinces of North Kivu, South Kivu, and I…
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UNHCR Representation for EU Affairs
@Refugees_EU - 18/11/2022
RT @ecre: Join @ecre & UNHCR Launch event of the report ‘Follow the Money IV: The use of AMIF and ISF-BV funds outside the EU’ 📅24 Novemb…
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