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  • Filippo Grandi account thumbnail

    Filippo Grandi

    @RefugeesChief - 17/06/2019

    Very happy to receive Danny @dhnnjyn in Geneva this morning and wish him all the best as he leads @oxfamgb’s work against poverty and inequality.

  • Filippo Grandi account thumbnail

    Filippo Grandi

    @RefugeesChief - 15/06/2019

    Musique, débats, convivialité, dance, accueil et solidarité - Paris, ses associations et le HCR ouvrent les célébrations pour la #JourneeMondialedesRefugies. Merci @Anne_Hidalgo.

  • Filippo Grandi account thumbnail

    Filippo Grandi

    @RefugeesChief - 15/06/2019

    Grateful to @GuyRyder for inviting UNHCR to #ILO100 - a recognition that refugees and displaced people must not be forgotten as we reflect on the future of work.

  • Filippo Grandi account thumbnail

    Filippo Grandi

    @RefugeesChief - 09/06/2019

    Most European governments speak of refugees and migrants arriving in Europe as numbers to be reduced. No talk and little action on addressing causes of unnecessary flows and creating secure pathways for those who need to move, which are the only real solutions.

  • Filippo Grandi account thumbnail

    Filippo Grandi

    @RefugeesChief - 07/06/2019

    The number of Venezuelan refugees and migrants who have left their country has reached four million. More international help is needed, urgently, for countries hosting them. via @refugees

  • Filippo Grandi account thumbnail

    Filippo Grandi

    @RefugeesChief - 07/06/2019

    Press release by UNHCR and @UNmigration after @IOMchief Vitorino and I met with the EU’s Justice and Home Affairs Council to discuss migration and forced displacement.

  • Filippo Grandi account thumbnail

    Filippo Grandi

    @RefugeesChief - 06/06/2019

    Delighted to meet with @PostcodeLoterij and explore their new sustainable office. ? Thanks to the support of their players, #UNHCR is able to assist thousands of refugees across the world. Dankjewel voor jullie steun!

  • Filippo Grandi account thumbnail

    Filippo Grandi

    @RefugeesChief - 06/06/2019

    Good to discuss with Dutch Minister for Trade & Development @SigridKaag our strong partnership in responding to refugee crises worldwide. We at UNHCR continue to count on her personal commitment and on the Netherlands’ support to address the challenges of forced displacement.

  • Filippo Grandi account thumbnail

    Filippo Grandi

    @RefugeesChief - 05/06/2019

    It is possible to successfully manage a big European city with its many challenges, AND provide thousands of refugees with opportunities for a better life - Mayor Ahmed Aboutaleb and the people of Rotterdam are doing it everyday. Thank you @College010!

  • Filippo Grandi account thumbnail

    Filippo Grandi

    @RefugeesChief - 05/06/2019

    Today I was happy to thank members of the Dutch Parliament @BuHa_OSTK for their strong support to refugees in the Netherlands ?? and around the world.