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  • Olivier Beer account thumbnail

    Olivier Beer

    @OlivierBeer1 - 12/03/2020

    UNHCR DRC is a recipient of the IDP initiative and is grateful to donors. We are committed to improve IDPs' lives and respond to their most pressing needs

  • Olivier Beer account thumbnail

    Olivier Beer

    @OlivierBeer1 - 12/03/2020

    @UNHCRgov @FilippoGrandi @DominiqueHyde @RaoufMazou @Refugees @UNHCR_DRC @UNHCRAfg @UNHCRIraq @UNHCRinSudan @UNHCRUkraine @UNHCREthiopia @UNHCR_BF UNHCR DRC is grateful to the Internal Displacement initiative which allowed thousands of IDPs and host communities to have access to Shelter and community based projects.

  • Olivier Beer account thumbnail

    Olivier Beer

    @OlivierBeer1 - 25/02/2020

    Congratulations to the whole @UNHCR_DRC team who spent hours in the deep field to make sure Congolese refugees could come back home in Kasaï Central! 🏠🇨🇩

  • Olivier Beer account thumbnail

    Olivier Beer

    @OlivierBeer1 - 24/02/2020

    Malgré les souffrances, le déplacement et la perte d'un enfant durant le conflit au Kasai Central, la vie va recommencer pour ce retourné à Nganza, avec le soutien de l'@UNHCR_DRC.

  • Olivier Beer account thumbnail

    Olivier Beer

    @OlivierBeer1 - 24/02/2020

    Our @UNHCR_DRC team thanks our donors from @SuisseRDC, @USEmbKinshasa, German Embassy, @NLkinbrazza who came for a field visit in Kananga. Grateful for their continuous interest in internally displaced people @Refugees operations in DRC and worldwide!🙏

  • Olivier Beer account thumbnail

    Olivier Beer

    @OlivierBeer1 - 22/02/2020

    Malgré les défis, le sourire d'un enfant réfugié revenu d'Angola au Kasaï Central, assis chez lui sur la natte fournie par @Refugees 😌

  • Olivier Beer account thumbnail

    Olivier Beer

    @OlivierBeer1 - 21/02/2020

    Todays and after a 3 months training, this gender based violence survival among 198 beneficiaries got: ✅her official certificate ✅a professional kit pursue her incomes generating activity in Kananga, thanks to @UNHCR_DRC and our generous donors🤝

  • Olivier Beer account thumbnail

    Olivier Beer

    @OlivierBeer1 - 10/02/2020

    @Refugees Conditions are not easy in Congo but there is nothing better than home...

  • Olivier Beer account thumbnail

    Olivier Beer

    @OlivierBeer1 - 02/01/2020

    Thank you for your inspiration and leadership. IDPs are national citizens but almost not benefitting from development funds #idp #refugee

  • Olivier Beer account thumbnail

    Olivier Beer

    @OlivierBeer1 - 11/12/2019