Matt Reynolds
1 - 10 of 433 posts
Matt Reynolds
@MattReynoldsDC - 17/11/2022
Providing safety and hope for refugees is our top priority. Grateful for our partnership with @StatePRM to support uprooted families in Jordan and around the world.
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Matt Reynolds
@MattReynoldsDC - 17/11/2022
RT @UNHCRUSA: We welcome plans to end Title 42 restrictions at U.S. borders. For too long, it has endangered people forced to flee. Fair a…
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Matt Reynolds
@MattReynoldsDC - 15/11/2022
The climate crisis is on every continent and people forced to flee are on its frontlines. Listen to UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador @EmiThePoet's poignant reminder on why climate action is needed now. #COP27
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Matt Reynolds
@MattReynoldsDC - 15/11/2022
Support for refugees from cities across the U.S. is vital for their well-being. Thank you @CityofSanJose and Mayor Sam Liccardo @sliccardo for stepping up. #WithRefugees
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Matt Reynolds
@MattReynoldsDC - 15/11/2022
Thank you @RESCUEorg for joining us in the Bay Area and sharing about your life-changing work on behalf of refugees. #WithRefugees
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Matt Reynolds
@MattReynoldsDC - 15/11/2022
Grateful for our partners @JFCSEastBay for the important work you are doing to support refugees in the Bay Area. Thank you for hosting UNHCR recently! #WithRefugees
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Matt Reynolds
@MattReynoldsDC - 06/11/2022
RT @FilippoGrandi: Two good days in the Bay Area exploring how the tech community can help refugees and strengthening partnerships with so…
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Matt Reynolds
@MattReynoldsDC - 06/11/2022
RT @FilippoGrandi: An inspiring visit to @autodesk and great discussion with Joe Speicher and the @AutodeskFdn team on creating software th…
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Matt Reynolds
@MattReynoldsDC - 05/11/2022
RT @FilippoGrandi: Welcoming communities are vital to refugees. In the Bay Area I met families rebuilding their lives and resettlement…
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Matt Reynolds
@MattReynoldsDC - 05/11/2022
A wonderful afternoon coffee with the Alshaar family, resettled refugees and our local resettlement partners in the Bay Area. San Francisco is a leading example of how collaboration across sectors helps refugees contribute to their new communities as they become self-sufficient.
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