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  • Papa Kysma Sylla account thumbnail

    Papa Kysma Sylla

    @KysmaPapa - 02/01/2021

    L’opération du HCR Tchad souhaite une bonne et heureuse année 2021 aux personnes relevant de ses compétences : réfugiés, demandeurs d’asile, les communautés hôtes vulnérables et apatrides.

  • Papa Kysma Sylla account thumbnail

    Papa Kysma Sylla

    @KysmaPapa - 02/01/2021

    Covid-19: Fatouma, a refugee leader is voluntarily committed to monitoring people with specific needs in urban areas "for me the objective of this initiative is to help vulnerable people stay in their homes while respecting the barrier measures".

  • Papa Kysma Sylla account thumbnail

    Papa Kysma Sylla

    @KysmaPapa - 02/01/2021

    COVID-19: Franck, a refugee, monitors people with specific needs urban every day "I find solutions to some problems on the spot. When it is serious i alert the community services partner ADES and / or UNHCR for a more appropriate response ".

  • Papa Kysma Sylla account thumbnail

    Papa Kysma Sylla

    @KysmaPapa - 01/01/2021

    Covid-19: Refugee leaders are involved in monitoring people with specific needs in urban areas. Voluntarily hired to serve, they put on personal protective equipment on a daily basis before leaving their home to go to monitor people who are facing difficult situations.

  • Papa Kysma Sylla account thumbnail

    Papa Kysma Sylla

    @KysmaPapa - 01/01/2021

    Bonne et heureuse année 2021 au Gouvernement de la République du Tchad et au peuple tchadien. Au regard de son hospitalité légendaire, le nombre de réfugiés et de demandeurs d’asile représente plus de 3% de la population tchadienne.💪💪@MIdrissDebyItno

  • Papa Kysma Sylla account thumbnail

    Papa Kysma Sylla

    @KysmaPapa - 31/12/2020

    UNHCR Chad operation says thank you to all its donors for helping us protect + help refugees, internally displaced people, returnees and vulnerable host communities, and stateless people in 2020

  • Papa Kysma Sylla account thumbnail

    Papa Kysma Sylla

    @KysmaPapa - 31/12/2020

    L’opération du HCR Tchad dit merci à tous ses donateurs pour nous avoir aidé à protéger + aider les réfugiés, les déplacés internes, les rapatriés et les communautés hôtes vulnérables, et les apatrides en 2020

  • Papa Kysma Sylla account thumbnail

    Papa Kysma Sylla

    @KysmaPapa - 30/12/2020

    Vocational Training Center train refugees and Chadians in different departments. it contributes to the process of empowerment and socio-professional integration of refugees. VTC needs reinforcement of its supervisors and internship possibilities in other cities. @FilippoGrandi

  • Papa Kysma Sylla account thumbnail

    Papa Kysma Sylla

    @KysmaPapa - 30/12/2020

    Achta sells ice cream bars in #Bredjing camp (Ouaddaï) to ensure the survival of his family. It is an activity carried out in response to mix migration in the camps in eastern Chad and to enable young people to find outlets in order to meet their own daily needs @FilippoGrandi

  • Papa Kysma Sylla account thumbnail

    Papa Kysma Sylla

    @KysmaPapa - 28/12/2020

    In chad, many refugees have very useful skills as farmers or herders. These refugee producers need to be supported through rural development initiatives in order to improve their production. @WorldBank @FilippoGrandi