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  • Kelly T. Clements account thumbnail

    Kelly T. Clements

    @KellyTClements - 07/07/2023

    Reminded again this week in ??, @IKEAFoundation is one of UNHCR’s most committed & important global partners. This new support will help us meet climate responsibilities & reduce our reliance on expensive & climate-unfriendly diesel generators in remote locations, like Melkadida.

  • Kelly T. Clements account thumbnail

    Kelly T. Clements

    @KellyTClements - 05/07/2023

    Grateful for many partners in #Ethiopia, supporting millions of #refugees, displaced persons & now people displaced by #climate. Today we talked not only about challenges in a volatile region but also opportunities to connect & include refugees in national services, thanks to ??.

  • Kelly T. Clements account thumbnail

    Kelly T. Clements

    @KellyTClements - 05/07/2023

    Leaving Gambella and soon Ethiopia ?? where @ITU & @Refugees are as determined as ever to connect #refugees & their hosts, some in remote locations like this one. #Connectivity is the key to services, education for the future, and economic development.

  • Kelly T. Clements account thumbnail

    Kelly T. Clements

    @KellyTClements - 05/07/2023

    Since my visit to Gambella 7 years ago, region is greener & ops for self-reliance more plentiful, but challenges remain. Rich exchanges w/refugee women from #SouthSudan re dwindling aid & security risks in volatile region. With @RRSEthiopia, we redouble the search for solutions.

  • Kelly T. Clements account thumbnail

    Kelly T. Clements

    @KellyTClements - 05/07/2023

    Back to Gambella & my, how times have changed: work permits issued by ?? govt, inclusion of refugee kids in local schools, handover of schools to govt, recycling waste, hygiene production by women - putting $$ in local economy & supporting refugee families. The way it should be

  • Kelly T. Clements account thumbnail

    Kelly T. Clements

    @KellyTClements - 04/07/2023

    @MoF_Ethiopia @mfaethiopia @UNHCRInnovation @UNEthiopia @Ethiopia_UN @Tesfahun_GK @UNHCRgov @eca_ethiopia @WB_Ethiopia

  • Kelly T. Clements account thumbnail

    Kelly T. Clements

    @KellyTClements - 04/07/2023

    Building better #connectivity is a team effort, with close govt & private sector cooperation. Today @ITU & @refugees stepped boldly into a #connectedfuture for #refugees & their hosts, building on the progressive work by ?? to mainstream #digitalinclusion for all.

  • Kelly T. Clements account thumbnail

    Kelly T. Clements

    @KellyTClements - 04/07/2023

    Strong partnership with @RRSEthiopia over decades of ?? hospitality to #refugees in region fleeing conflict & violence, incl now from #Sudan. ?? sincerely @Tesfahun_GK for the warm welcome and forward thinking to protect refugees & benefit #Ethiopian host communities.

  • Kelly T. Clements account thumbnail

    Kelly T. Clements

    @KellyTClements - 03/07/2023

  • Kelly T. Clements account thumbnail

    Kelly T. Clements

    @KellyTClements - 03/07/2023

    The #climate emergency has ravaged this region - food & ? insecurity, malnutrition & disease = elevated mortality, esp for kids. Hundreds of thousands of people forced to flee in search of food, ? , pasture & aid. And a devastating flood wiped out crops. Much more help needed