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  • Gillian Triggs account thumbnail

    Gillian Triggs

    @GillianTriggs - 20/03/2013


  • Gillian Triggs account thumbnail

    Gillian Triggs

    @GillianTriggs - 20/03/2013

    Record-breaking National Close the Gap Day calls for critical funding to be continued via @AusHumanRights

  • Gillian Triggs account thumbnail

    Gillian Triggs

    @GillianTriggs - 11/03/2013

    The Queen is to sign the C'wealth Charter of Human Rights on behalf of its 54 Members. The Charter is a welcome "21st Century Magna Carta".

  • Gillian Triggs account thumbnail

    Gillian Triggs

    @GillianTriggs - 28/02/2013

    High Court 3-3 decision confirms convictions for offensive letters to families of Aust soldiers killed in Afghanistan

  • Gillian Triggs account thumbnail

    Gillian Triggs

    @GillianTriggs - 24/02/2013

    We welcome the Prime Ministers announcement this morning of the inaugural Children’s Commissioner via @AusHumanRights

  • Gillian Triggs account thumbnail

    Gillian Triggs

    @GillianTriggs - 20/02/2013

    Come along to the Commission's screening of "A Path to Dignity: The Power of #HumanRights education" on Feb 25

  • Gillian Triggs account thumbnail

    Gillian Triggs

    @GillianTriggs - 17/02/2013

    Racial Vilification Vs Freedom of Speech. Watch me discuss with Simon Breheny on Sunrise.

  • Gillian Triggs account thumbnail

    Gillian Triggs

    @GillianTriggs - 15/02/2013

    An historic day with the passing of the Recognition Act. Let's work towards constitutional recognition of Australia's first peoples.

  • Gillian Triggs account thumbnail

    Gillian Triggs

    @GillianTriggs - 21/01/2013

    An Act to recognise Australia's first peoples? The AHRC will support it in Joint Select Committee hearings tomorrow #humanrights

  • Gillian Triggs account thumbnail

    Gillian Triggs

    @GillianTriggs - 17/01/2013

    @GregLBean Yes it is a public document