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  • UNHCR Bulgaria account thumbnail

    UNHCR Bulgaria

    @BulgariaUNHCR - 26/11/2022

    Всеки има своята роля в това да осигурим достъп до подкрепа и социални услуги за жените и момичетата с цел превенция на насилието, основано на пола. Ето и 5 неща, които можем да направим.#16DaysOfActivism #OrangeTheWorld

  • UNHCR Bulgaria account thumbnail

    UNHCR Bulgaria

    @BulgariaUNHCR - 26/11/2022

    Everybody has a role to play in ensuring safe and dignified access to gender-based violence prevention and response services for women and girls in all their diversity. Here are 5 things you can do to help #16Days #OrangeTheWorld

  • UNHCR Bulgaria account thumbnail

    UNHCR Bulgaria

    @BulgariaUNHCR - 25/11/2022

    По повод Международния ден за елиминиране на насилието срещу жените@BulgariaUNHCR призовава към предоставяне на закрила и овластяване на принудително разселените жени и момичета. #OrangeTheWorld #16Days

  • UNHCR Bulgaria account thumbnail

    UNHCR Bulgaria

    @BulgariaUNHCR - 25/11/2022

    On International Day to End Violence against Women, @BulgariaUNHCR is joining the calling for protection and empowerment of forcibly displaced women and girls. #OrangeTheWorld #16Days

  • UNHCR Bulgaria account thumbnail

    UNHCR Bulgaria

    @BulgariaUNHCR - 25/11/2022

    #16Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence kicks off today. 🙏 to Faye Eshkevari – 📰🎙️, refugee & human rights activist for speaking to 🇧🇬👩‍🎓about the importance of ending gender-based violence. Change starts with all of us. Everyone has a role to play. #OrangeTheWorld

  • UNHCR Bulgaria account thumbnail

    UNHCR Bulgaria

    @BulgariaUNHCR - 23/11/2022

    Great meeting between H.E. Simon van der Burg, Ambassador of 🇳🇱 in 🇧🇬 and @UNHCRBulgaria Representative @SedaKuzucu3. We 🙏 the Kingdom of the Netherlands for the close engagement with and support of @Refugees at all levels. @UNHCRgov

  • UNHCR Bulgaria account thumbnail

    UNHCR Bulgaria

    @BulgariaUNHCR - 22/11/2022

    @BulgariaUNHCR made a generous donation of vital items to the State Agency for Refugees. We continue to work 👐 to improve living conditions of the persons of concern in 🇧🇬.

  • UNHCR Bulgaria account thumbnail

    UNHCR Bulgaria

    @BulgariaUNHCR - 22/11/2022

    @BulgariaUNHCR and @UNICEFBUlgaria remain committed to supporting 🇧🇬to include refugee children in the national educational system, improving access for both refugee and 🇧🇬 children to education and child protection services. @SedaKuzucu3 @christina_bruin @refugees

  • UNHCR Bulgaria account thumbnail

    UNHCR Bulgaria

    @BulgariaUNHCR - 21/11/2022

    Представителят на @BulgariaUNHCR @SedaKuzucu3 откри академичната симулация Model UN, в която ученици се превъплъщават в делегати на различни държави и опитват да решават реални 🌎 проблеми.🙏на Немското училище София за ✉️#ModelUN

  • UNHCR Bulgaria account thumbnail

    UNHCR Bulgaria

    @BulgariaUNHCR - 21/11/2022

    @UNHCRBulgaria Representative @SedaKuzucu3 inaugurated the academic simulation Model UN where students play the role of delegates from different countries and attempt to solve real 🌍issues. 🙏to the students from Deutsche Schule Sofia for the 📩