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  • Ayman Gharaibeh account thumbnail

    Ayman Gharaibeh

    @AymanGharaibeh - 10/06/2021

    Tunisia has been the first country outside Europe to have #UNHCR presence, since 1957. For 60+ years, we work with authorities and civil society to protect people forced to flee. With Tunisian MFA where cetMed crossing where discussed. @AymanGharaibeh

  • Ayman Gharaibeh account thumbnail

    Ayman Gharaibeh

    @AymanGharaibeh - 10/06/2021

    Unhcr is proud of its relation with Tunisia. Signed during my mission a new MoU for better protection and assistance to #refugees and #AsylumSeekers in #Tunisia; which is crucial for the most vulnerable groups. @AymanGharaibeh

  • Ayman Gharaibeh account thumbnail

    Ayman Gharaibeh

    @AymanGharaibeh - 02/06/2021

    The Global Refugee Forum last yr rests on 2 key ideas: 1⃣Solidarity responding to refugee situations 2⃣Equitable sharing of responsibility for refugees & displaced ppl in the MENA UNHCR supported w/solar, water & waste systems, refugees and host communities.

  • Ayman Gharaibeh account thumbnail

    Ayman Gharaibeh

    @AymanGharaibeh - 01/06/2021

    RT @jnbeuze: “At the heart of the man-made humanitarian emergency is a 7-year conflict threatening Yemenis’ safety & well-being. We must r…

  • Ayman Gharaibeh account thumbnail

    Ayman Gharaibeh

    @AymanGharaibeh - 07/05/2021

    RT @DominiqueHyde: The proposed cut from @FCDOGovUK of USD$4.6m will directly affect some 92,000 refugees in Jordan who are solely dependen…

  • Ayman Gharaibeh account thumbnail

    Ayman Gharaibeh

    @AymanGharaibeh - 07/05/2021

    RT @UNHCR_Arabic: تقوم مريم بحياكة ملابس أطفالها استعداداً لـ #عيد_الفطر. التحقت مريم بعد نزوحها بورشة عمل لمدة 3 أشهر تلقت فيها تدريباً ع…

  • Ayman Gharaibeh account thumbnail

    Ayman Gharaibeh

    @AymanGharaibeh - 06/05/2021

    RT @UNHCRinSYRIA: Only 58% of hospitals are fully functional in #Syria COVID-19 has added more pressure on an already strained health care…

  • Ayman Gharaibeh account thumbnail

    Ayman Gharaibeh

    @AymanGharaibeh - 27/04/2021

    RT @UNHCR_Arabic: إذا أرادنا السيطرة على انتشار #فيروس_كورونا يجب أن تتسنى للجميع سبل الوصول إلى اللقاح وبشكلٍ متساوي، بغض النظر عن الوضع ا…

  • Ayman Gharaibeh account thumbnail

    Ayman Gharaibeh

    @AymanGharaibeh - 27/04/2021

    RT @UNHCR_Arabic: قامت المفوضية في العراق بتوفير لوازم 23 وحدة للعناية المركزة في مستشفيات علاج الحالات المصابة بـ #فيروس_كورونا في سبع مح…

  • Ayman Gharaibeh account thumbnail

    Ayman Gharaibeh

    @AymanGharaibeh - 13/04/2021

    RT @ziadayoubi: عام آخر نستقبل فيه رمضان في ظلّ حالة الطوارئ العالمية كورونا وتبعاتها الاقتصادية التي تركت آثارها على الملايين من الأكثر ضع…