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  • Ahmed Baba Fall account thumbnail

    Ahmed Baba Fall

    @AhmedBaba_Fall - 03/12/2021

    RT @CNkwetaSalami: So impressed by students I met in Rwanda - Janet wants to be a trader, Owase & Beatrice want to be journalists & write…

  • Ahmed Baba Fall account thumbnail

    Ahmed Baba Fall

    @AhmedBaba_Fall - 03/12/2021

    RT @RefugeesRwanda: It was a privilege to host @KellyTClements in #Rwanda where she attended @africaforum2021. Excited to see huge commi…

  • Ahmed Baba Fall account thumbnail

    Ahmed Baba Fall

    @AhmedBaba_Fall - 01/12/2021

    RT @PrimatureRwanda: This morning, at the Kigali Convention Centre, on behalf of H.E Paul Kagame, Prime Minister Dr. Edouard Ngirente offic…

  • Ahmed Baba Fall account thumbnail

    Ahmed Baba Fall

    @AhmedBaba_Fall - 27/11/2021

    RT @RefugeesRwanda: UNHCR Rep. @AhmedBaba_Fall: "We will never forget the genuine humanitarian commitment of Gihembe population and @Gicumb…

  • Ahmed Baba Fall account thumbnail

    Ahmed Baba Fall

    @AhmedBaba_Fall - 27/11/2021

    RT @RwandaEmergency: Umunyamabanga uhoraho @okayumba n’abakozi ba MINEMA bifatanije n’abakozi ba @RefugeesRwanda, @imbankrw, @SPRwanda, aba…

  • Ahmed Baba Fall account thumbnail

    Ahmed Baba Fall

    @AhmedBaba_Fall - 27/10/2021

    RT @CNkwetaSalami: As Burundians return from the countries that hosted them, more investment needs to be made in their home communities htt…

  • Ahmed Baba Fall account thumbnail

    Ahmed Baba Fall

    @AhmedBaba_Fall - 25/10/2021

    RT @RwandaEmergency: This morning Min. @mskayisire welcomed to Gashora ETM centre Mr. @JosepBorrellF the EU High Representative/Vice-Presid…

  • Ahmed Baba Fall account thumbnail

    Ahmed Baba Fall

    @AhmedBaba_Fall - 18/10/2021

    Today we closed Gihembe refugee camp after 24yrs. The final convoy of 911 #refugees has safely arrived in #Mahama. @RefugeesRwanda, @RwandaEmergency & @GicumbiDistrict have started the environmental rehabilitation w tree plantation. Affected areas will be restored and protected.

  • Ahmed Baba Fall account thumbnail

    Ahmed Baba Fall

    @AhmedBaba_Fall - 14/10/2021

    RT @AhmedBaba_Fall: #UNHCR recognizes the importance #Rwanda's MPs have given to refugee inclusion and self-reliance. More than 4,000 emplo…

  • Ahmed Baba Fall account thumbnail

    Ahmed Baba Fall

    @AhmedBaba_Fall - 14/10/2021

    #UNHCR recognizes the importance #Rwanda's MPs have given to refugee inclusion and self-reliance. More than 4,000 employed is a good step towards the durable and sustainable #refugee response, a collective effort with the Govt and partners. @Refugees