Event days
Event days

© UNHCR/Mark Henley
High-Level Officials Meeting – webcast recordings
The High-Level Officials Meeting took place on 14 and 15 December 2021 in a completely virtual format. Recording of sessions can be found in the list below.
Recordings from 14 December 2021
- Spotlight session: Support platform (English – French)
- Opening of the High-Level Officials Meeting (English – French)
- Commencement of the Plenary Discussion (English – French)
- Spotlight Session on the Role of the GCR in Climate Action and Displacement (English – French)
- Panel on Priority 1 - Expanding support through responsibility sharing (English – French)
- Plenary discussion - Day 1 (continued from 15:45 - 18:00 CET) (English – French)
Recordings from 15 December 2021
- Panel on Priority 2: Advancing implementation of pledges and initiatives (English – French)
- Spotlight Session on the 3-year Strategy on Resettlement and Complementary Pathways (English – French)
- Panel on Priority 2: Advancing implementation of pledges and initiatives (English – French)
- Plenary discussion - Day 2 (continued from 10:45 - 13:00 CET) (English – French)
- Spotlight Session on the Role of the GCR in the Medium to Long-Term Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic (English – French)
- Plenary discussion - Day 2 (continued from 15:00 - 17:00 CET) (English – French)
- Panel on Priority 3: Recommendations for the future (English – French)
- Closing of the High-Level Officials Meeting (English – French)