In regions MENA and Libya

Libya - Factsheets

Working Groups
Strategic Advisory Groups

September 2022


  • 6 partners
  • $10.1 M (34%) required (funded)
  • 0.4 M / 74 124 / 63 699 people in need / targeted / reached

June 2022


  • 6 partners
  • $10.1 M (34%) required (funded)
  • 0.4 M / 74 124 / 63 699 people in need / targeted / reached

March 2022


  • 6 partners
  • $5.5 M (13%) required (funded)
  • 0.4 M / 39 000 / 29 707 people in need / targeted / reached

December 2021

NEED ANALYSISIn 2022, some 397,000 people are estimated to need shelter and NFI items.  This is a 6% increase in the number compared to 2021, with the most significant increase among the returnee population.For refugees, migrants and those seeking asylum, 20% are in need of shelter support or support with NFI in 2022.  They face continued barriers in accessing the private rental market and what they can rent is often below standard.  A lack of security of tenure not only exposes them to arbitrary eviction, but also rental increases and harassment.Although there is slight incr

  • 6 partners
  • $13.2 M (90%) required (funded)
  • 0.4 M / 0.1 M / 0.1 M people in need / targeted / reached

July 2021

NEED ANALYSISThe last three months saw the continued trend of more returns and a higher percentage of remaining IDPs renting in the formal market.  The number of IDPs have dropped from 278,177 at the beginning of Q1 to 223,949 mid-way through Q2, while those in rented accommodation rose from 70% to 78%.Economic hardship and returns have continued to drive the need for NFIs, while in-kind distributions continues to be preferred over cash due to logistical reasons and poor liquidity in the Libya.RESPONSEIn total, the Cluster supported 69,316 beneficiaries across all groups with Shelter a

  • 6 partners
  • $13.2 M (49%) required (funded)
  • 0.4 M / 0.1 M / 67 259 people in need / targeted / reached

December 2020

NEED ANALYSISInsecurity and fighting triggered new displacement in the first six months of the year. At least 36,000 people were newly displaced from February to June due to escalation in armed conflict in western Libya.In June significant changes to lines of control, with GNA-affiliated forces re-taking Tripoli, Tarhuna and nearby towns, saw displaced people slowly starting to return to their home areas. More than 18,000 people reportedly returned in July and August.In 2020, nearly 376,000 people are estimated to need shelter and non-food items.

  • 6 partners
  • $7.0 M (80%) required (funded)
  • 0.3 M / 81 000 / 0.2 M people in need / targeted / reached

September 2020

Waves of conflict have caused population displacement and severe damage to housing and infrastructure across Libya. As the need for housing continues to be stretched, especially in urban areas and around major cities, and rental prices increase, this has exacerbated the difficulties of households in securing affordable housing and putting an increasing number of vulnerable families at risk of eviction.

  • 6 partners
  • $7.0 M (80%) required (funded)
  • 0.3 M / 81 000 / 0.1 M people in need / targeted / reached