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Following the escalation of violence in Sudan on April 15, 2023, the humanitarian crisis has intensified, with 8.6 million people now requiring shelter and NFI assistance according to the 2024 HNRP, reflecting data from September 2023. Yet, displacement figures continue to escalate. The Shelter & Non-Food Items (NFI) Cluster aims to support 2.1 million people in 2024, with a funding need of $212.4 million. NFIs are prioritized due to their consistent ranking among the top needs in IOM DTM monthly overviews (right behind Food and Health), and will be delivered through both in-kind and cash modalities. In terms of shelter assistance, Emergency Shelter Kits (ESKs) are designated for rural regions in the west and south, while an urban-centric strategy in the northeast and central areas focuses on community-based solutions and cash assistance to meet diverse housing needs of IDPs and local communities hosting them. The Cluster also aims to enhance access in flood-prone areas through site development activities, and collaborate with development actors in the long run for more sustainable solutions.
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