Working Group on Shelter Vulnerability Classification
There is currently no agreed upon methodology to classify the nature and severity of vulnerability in the shelter sector. As a result, it is difficult to compare vulnerability between different situations, the quality of analysis varies from country to country and even though needs assessments are often undertaken, it is not always clear on what information strategic decisions are ultimately based.
This lack of clarity is problematic because such a classification does not only inform strategic decisions such as response options, it could also determine the source and scale of funding, the type of planning process and the roles of different stakeholders. This means that its absence can lead to misallocations of scarce resources, and in the worst case scenario, even loss of lives.
This Working Group will develop a vulnerability classification methodology for the shelter sector based on existing good practice from country-level clusters and available research at global level. The output of this Working Group contributes directly to Strategic Area 3 (Evidence-Based Response) of GSC’s Strategy 2018-2022 and is an enabler for Strategic Area 2 (Advocacy).
The methodology will take into account existing norms from relevant initiatives in both the public sector (such as the right to adequate housing) and private sector (such as the insurance industry) and span the divide between humanitarian and development contexts. As a result, broad buy-in and applicability in both preparedness, post-crisis humanitarian situations, and other contexts will be ensured.
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Coordination Team