Funded partners
Funded partners
Some partners receive funds from UNHCR to implement specific projects. They are responsible and accountable for the effective use of resources and the delivery of agreed results. Funded partners can be governmental, intergovernmental, or non-governmental bodies, UN organizations, or other non-profit organizations.

We have several tools available for our funded partners to ensure that we collaborate efficiently and effectively and adhere to high transparency and compliance standards. Learn more about these tools on this page.
Working together with our funded partners
If your organization is interested in a funded partnership with UNHCR:
- You first need to create a profile in the UN Partner Portal (UNPP) and apply for open calls.
- Once selected, your organization will be onboarded on our project management solution, PROMS.
- During the partnership, your organization will rely on the UNHCR Programme Handbook for Partners for detailed guidance.
- You'll also receive technical support from our operations, and online training on PROMS.
UN Partner Portal
The UN Partner Portal (UNPP) provides your organization, as a prospective partner, with a digital space to:
- enhance your visibility
- find open opportunities
- access dedicated learning materials
- submit concept notes for funding consideration with UN agencies.
It is available in English, French and Spanish.
Organizations seeking partnership opportunities with UNHCR create a profile, providing basic information and documentation demonstrating that they uphold the values and standards of the United Nations.
Having a verified profile on the UNPP is in most cases required to sign a project workplan. Governmental entities, private sector partners, and UN organizations/programmes are exempt from UNPP registration.
Project, Reporting, Oversight and Monitoring Solution (PROMS)
PROMS is a digital project management solution that improves UNHCR’s collaboration with funded partners throughout the project cycle, from the signing of the agreement to the closure of the project. It is used by both UNHCR personnel and our partners, and streamlines performance, financial monitoring, reporting and verification.
Watch the videos to learn more about PROMS
Watch the PROMS video in English (with French and Spanish subtitles)
Watch the PROMS video in Arabic
Training and technical support
Our operations provide our partners with training and technical support.
In the future we hope to launch a platform for partner learning related to using PROMS.
UNHCR Programme Handbook for Partners

The UNHCR Programme Handbook for Partners reflects the principles, frameworks, rules and systems in place to support our partners on programming.
UNHCR uses a results-based management (RBM) approach called COMPASS for its multi-year planning and programming. According to this approach, UNHCR's programme cycle has three main phases – PLAN for, GET and SHOW Results – aligned to the UNHCR Strategic Directions 2022-2026 and the objectives of the Global Compact on Refugees.
The UNHCR Programme Handbook for Partners guides our colleagues and partners through these three phases. It covers every aspect of UNHCR programming that is relevant to our funded partnerships, including assessing, planning, designing, implementing, monitoring, adjusting and reporting on planned results.