Winter Survival Fund 2023

Winter Survival Fund 2023
In Ukraine, millions have fled their home and will face their first winter in displacement due to the war. In the Middle East and North Africa, countries hosting displaced Syrian and Iraqi refugees will face dangerous snowstorms and freezing temperatures. In Afghanistan, displaced and conflict-affected families on the brink are often exposed to harsh and cold snow as early as October in high altitude cities and remote villages, in addition a devastating earthquake has impacted the livelihood of many in the region.

Urgent needs of refugees and IDP's this winter

Core relief items
Winter relief items like clothing, thermal blankets and heating appliances as well as general relief items are in high demand for the coming months and will fill urgent gaps of families in need.

Shelter support
Shelter in conflict affected regions will require light and medium repairs. hygiene, insulation and alternative sources of energy in shelters will also be improved on. collective centres will also be expanded and receive infrastructural work for refugees.

Cash relief
Cash assistance will be given to families as a means of giving them autonomy over identifying and fulfilling their own needs. This helps to solve the varying needs of different families during the winter months.
“Sometimes, the plastic sheets start falling and you cannot stay here at all during the wind and the rains. Sometimes, we cover ourselves with blankets and sit in here.”
—— Om Saker, refugee mother from Iran
"In Summer we only have to worry about food, but in Winter we have to worry about finding fuel to burn, fixing the heating system, falling down on the ice when collecting water"
—— Gul Khan, a displaced person from Afghanistan
"The heater isn't enough to warm us at night. We live in metal caravans. They are so cold. Although we live in a desert environment when the rain and the hail comes it is difficult"
—— Um Hussein, a refugee mother from Syria