Unaccompanied Refugee Children
Unaccompanied Refugee Children
Will you take care of Anna for us?
Anna's Journey
It was the middle of the night when the gunmen came.
Scared for her life as screams of pain and despair filled the quiet African night, she did the only thing a child her age could do: run away.
But in a night where chaos reigned and neighbours died, she quickly lost her parents in her desperate flight for safety.

Anna was rattled by the proximity of wild animals, horrified by putrescent piles of decomposing bodies and terrified by the sound of constant fighting.
There were also many children crying and alone along the journey.

Anna’s haggard eyes now stare at an uncertain future, made even darker by the possibility that her mother and father may well have died on the night war came to her village.
In regions torn apart by war and disaster, lone refugee children like Anna are the most vulnerable of all.

With the help of UNHCR, Anna has been placed with an informal foster family to look after her within the camp.
Anna is still recovering but is grateful for what she is given and for her education and time in the child-friendly play areas within the camp.
But Anna is just one of the tens of thousands of vulnerable refugee children in urgent need of care and protection.
How does UNHCR support children like Anna?
To ensure the children's rights and protection, UNHCR is working with national authorities, international and local organisations, and other partners to assist, protect and find solutions for unaccompanied and separated children.
UNHCR is helping to restore their futures through family tracing and reunification services and is working to rebuild their lives through psychosocial support and education services, provision of material support, and livelihood activities.
Your donation can make a difference:

For donation round HK$145 a month can provide 5 refugee children with a place in school

About HK$506 a month can provide temporary accommodation for refugees, including unaccompanied children

For HK$1,170, you can register and issue documents for 150 South Sudanese children in Ethiopia to safeguard their rights

For HK$8,000, you can provide cash grants to cover school expenses for 30 primary refugee students in Uganda

For HK$4,000, you can provide psychosocial support to 15 refugee children in Bangladesh for a whole year