🆘 In case of urgent need: emergency services numbers: 🆘
▸ General number for emergency services: 112
▸ Ambulance: 112
▸ Police: 112
▸ Firefighters: 112
▸ Emergency number for child protection services: 119
☎️ Government hotline: 021 345 67 89
🕒 Opening hours: 08:00 – 16:00 (Monday to Friday)
📝 To report a complaint or provide a feedback
ℹ️ To access reliable and up-to-date information on services and assistance
🌐 Government platform: https://protectieucraina.gov.ro/
🌐 UNHCR Service Advisor: https://romania.servicesadvisor.net/en

Are you fleeing from Ukraine?
- ➡️ Information for people from Ukraine
- ➡️ Temporary Protection
- ➡️ Frequently asked questions
- ➡️ Are you under 18 years old?
- ➡️ Information on education
- ➡️ Where to find help and information?
- ➡️ Tips on Staying Safe
Are you an asylum-seeker, refugee, beneficiary of subsidiary protection, beneficiary of tolerated status, or a stateless person in Romania (not coming from Ukraine)?
- ➡️ Asylum in Romania
- ➡️ Statelessness
- ➡️ Where to find help and information?
Are you looking for information about UNHCR in Romania, or do you want to report misconduct?