Ukrainian nationals who have a biometric passport and travel without a visa have the right to move freely within the EU for 90 days after entering the EU. If you can prove your identity with a Ukrainian identity card, you can apply for temporary protection. If you do not have any proof of identity, please contact Embassy of Ukraine or Consulate of Ukraine in the Czech Republic to confirm your identity. You can also use the services of mobile branch of the State Migration Service of Ukraine,
Ukrainians without biometric travel document
It cannot be guaranteed that you will be allowed to cross the EU´s external border. You need to take all available identity documents with you. Before travelling, it is recommended that you check the entry requirements for each country through which you will be travelling.
Foreign minors unaccompanied by parents or other legal guardiansThe children’s social protection authority (OSPOD) must be informed of each such child.
- If a child arrives with a grandparent or adult sibling, under Ukrainian law, these persons have a direct legal right and obligation to care for and represent the child instead of the parents (in the same way as if the child were taken in by a grandparent or adult sibling who has already in the territory of the Czech Republic). In the case of indirectly related or unrelated persons, they may dispose of the parents’ consent to take over the child or replace it with an affidavit. In these cases, therefore, the unaccompanied minor is not involved, and it is not necessary to inform the OSPOD.
Legal representation of a minor child
- The child comes with a legal representative, they have documents – no need to deal with representation.
- The child comes with another person – a relative, acquaintance, this person has a decision of competent authority to take custody of the child or has been given the child custody in writing by the parents, or it is a grandparent or sibling then for the purpose of applying for temporary protection, one of the following documents is needed (the competent authority’s decision to grant custody of the child, the birth certificate of the grandparents, a written the child’s custody of the person concerned by the parents).
- The child comes with a relative, acquaintance or even a stranger, they do not have documents but affirmatively declare that the person cares for the child, then the following document is sufficient for the purpose of applying for temporary protection – the affidavit, in case of doubt, the application can be made by the OSPOD as the public guardian.
- The child comes alone, then:
– There is a person who requests custody of the child (interim measure) – e.g., a relative who already lives in the Czech Republic – and this person applies on behalf of the child for temporary protection.
– The child is represented by the OSPOD as a public guardian.
– A guardian is appointed for the child by the court. - The child arrives as part of a group (evacuation of the institution) and is accompanied by persons who are responsible for them (this is proven by a decision of the competent authority or by affidavit) – they represent the child in the application procedure.
– If there is no such person, the child is represented by the person who has been granted custody of the child in the Czech Republic or the director of the institution where the child has been placed; or OSPOD as public guardian.
Additional information is available at:
Rights and protections during the arrival process
Reporting obligation
Every foreigner who arrives in the Czech Republic is obliged to register with the Police of the Czech Republic – at the Department of Residence of Foreigners of the Foreign Police Department within 3 days of his/her arrival in the Czech Republic (in case of accommodation in hotels or other accommodation facilities, this obligation is handled by the accommodation provider). A foreigner under the age of 15 is not obliged to report his/her place of residence. Therefore (s)he does not have to register with the Foreign Police. The legal representative of a child under 15 years of age applies for temporary protection. If you apply for temporary protection for children without them being present at the MoI or KACPU, you must bring their travel document and birth certificate and a passport-size photograph.
- In the meaning of Act No. 326/1999 Coll., on the residence of foreigners in the territory of the Czech Republic, an accommodation provider is also a person who provides accommodation to persons fleeing from Ukraine and meets the conditions of Section 99 of this Act. The obligations set out in Section 100 of Act No. 326/1999 Coll. apply to the accommodation provider.
Temporary protection vs. other residence
Although it is still possible to apply for international protection, it is quicker and more effective to apply for temporary protection, which will give you free access to the labour market.
Valid residence permit in another EU country
If you already have a residence permit in another EU country you cannot be granted temporary protection in the Czech Republic. You should therefore contact authorities of the country where you were granted the permit to stay.
Important tips to stay safe
Be aware! There is a lot of incorrect information circulating!
Get information from trusted sources. For help, please visit or call the local UNHCR hotline.

For refugees, it is important to stay in touch with people you trust.
Let family and friends know your movements and whereabouts.
Make sure your children know your full name and contact details.

For refugees, it is important to keep in touch with family, friends and people you trust, whenever possible.
Send copies of your personal documents to people you trust and keep them informed of your movements.
Visit for support.

All services and assistance provided by humanitarian organizations are free of charge.
Beware of anyone asking for anything in return for aid or assistance.
Visit for support.

Are you a refugee? Do you need help?
Visit or call the local UNHCR hotline for accurate information and support.

Need information?
You can find trustworthy information for asylum seekers and refugees at or call your local UNHCR hotline for support.