The opportunity to extend Temporary Protection in Czechia ended on 15 March 2024. If you did not register for extension of Temporary protection, you still have the option to apply again. Please refer to Section: What to do if I did not register for an extension of temporary protection?
Applying for Temporary Protection in the Czech Republic for the first time
⚠️ New changes introduced as of 1 January 2024 ⚠️
Changes are related to the functioning of the Regional Assistance Centres for Ukraine (KACPU) and the allocation of state humanitarian accommodation to new applicants for Temporary Protection. If you are a new applicant for Temporary Protection, you can find relevant information on the government’s Official Web Portal for foreigners, including on the recently introduced changes.
See an informational graphic on the procedure done by the Ministry of the Interior.

☎️ Please call the Temporary Protection Info Line at +420 974 801 802 if in need of more detailed information.
➡️ What is Temporary Protection?
Temporary protection is an exceptional measure to provide immediate and temporary protection in the event of a mass influx or imminent mass influx of displaced persons from non-EU countries who are unable to return to their country of origin. Temporary Protection Directive (2001/55/EC of 20 July 2001) provides a tool for the EU to address such situations. Official information about TPD: https://home-affairs.ec.europa.eu/policies/migration-and-asylum/common-european-asylum-system/temporary-protection_en
The information below is described according to the official website page of the Ministry of the Interior in the Czech Republic (in Czech Ministerstvo vnitra – MV), as well as the Official Web Portal for foreigners of the MOI’s Department of Asylum and Migration Policy (in Czech Odbor azylové a migrační politiky – OAMP). These websites provide information both in Ukrainian and Czech.
➡️ Do I qualify for temporary protection?
Temporary protection will be granted in the Czech Republic to:
- Citizens of Ukraine who lived in Ukraine before 24.02.2022 and subsequently left Ukraine.
- Foreigners of third countries and stateless persons who have received any form of international protection in Ukraine before 24.02.2022.
- Family members of persons mentioned in paragraphs 1-2 who stayed with them in Ukraine before 24.02.2022 and subsequently left Ukraine.
Family member means a spouse, registered partner, unmarried minor child and a dependent relative living in a household. - Foreigners who stayed on the territory of Ukraine before 24.02.2022, on the basis of a permanent residence permit, if they cannot return to the country of origin or to the part of the country due to the threat of real danger.[1]
Temporary protection may also be granted in connection with the reunification of the family with a person who has temporary protection, or in exceptional cases.
Foreigners who have a valid residence permit (long-term visa or permanent residence permit, temporary protection) issued by another country, however, if the visa or residence permit was cancelled or expired after 24.02.22, are not eligible for temporary protection.
Foreigners with a long-term visa in the Czech Republic, who after 24.02.22 did not extend or cancelled it, are neither eligible for temporary protection, as such foreigners have not resided in Ukraine before 24.02.2022.
[1] Article §179 of the Act on the residence of foreigners in the Czech Republic.
➡️ How can I apply for temporary protection?
If you have arrived after 24 February 2022, you can apply for Temporary Protection at one of the Regional Assistance Centres for Ukraine (Krajské asistenční centrum pomoci Ukrajině – KACPU). You can also apply if you are a family member, regardless of nationality, and have accompanied a Ukrainian citizen, seeking Temporary Protection in the Czech Republic after 24 February 2022.
You can also apply for Temporary Protection for family reunification reasons, or exceptionally in other cases. Contact the Ministry of the Interior’s Department for Asylum and Migration Policy (OAMP MV) branch in your area and book an appointment on your specific case.
⚠️ New changes introduced as of 1 January 2024 ⚠️
Changes are related to the functioning of the Regional Assistance Centres for Ukraine (KACPU) and the allocation of state humanitarian accommodation to new applicants for Temporary Protection. If you are a new applicant for Temporary Protection, you can find relevant information on the government’s Official Web Portal for foreigners, including on the recently introduced changes.
See an informational graphic on the procedure done by the Ministry of the Interior.
➡️ What do I need to apply for temporary protection?
- form (fill out it in advance, if possible),
- valid biometric passport, if available,
- confirmation that you were in Ukraine before 24.02.2022 and left Ukraine as a result of the invasion of Russia (for example: a stamp in your passport, confirmation of humanitarian border crossing or other document issued in your name confirming your stay in Ukraine),
- document on the provision of housing, if you are not in emergency accommodation,
- if you are provided with housing by an individual, use the form for individuals (docx, 42 kB)
- if you are provided with housing by a legal entity, use the form for legal entities (docx, 42 kB)
- a passport-size photo (45 × 35 mm), if available.
If you do not provide a valid travel document together with the application, the procedure for obtaining temporary protection may be delayed. The Ministry of the Interior cannot guarantee that the application for temporary protection will be considered on the spot.
➡️ I already hold Temporary Protection and wish to extend it. How can I do this and what documents are needed?❗NEW❗
The online registration deadline was 15 March 2024. If you did not register online, your Temporary protection expired on 31 March 2024.
Once you have registered online, you will receive an e-mail confirming the date of your appointment. The e-mail will also confirm the extension of your Temporary Protection initially until 30 September 2024, and the documents that you should bring to your appointment.
❗️We recommend downloading your confirmation of the extension of Temporary Protection from your account❗️
Please carry a copy of this document with you at all times, including when traveling.
Please bring these documents to your appointment:
1️⃣ Your travel passport; if you do not have it, another identity document;
2️⃣ Proof of accommodation with a notarized signature of the owner (a separate copy for each member of a household). Consult the official website of the Ministry of Interior for more information and to download the forms (Тимчасовий захист – frs.gov.cz) – under section – Prodloužení”/”Продовження.
Once you have completed the process, you will be issued a visa sticker with your Temporary Protection extended until 31 March 2025.
⚠️ If you are unable to attend your appointment in person due to serious illness or mobility issues, please see the instructions provided on the Web Portal for Foreigners (at the end of the tab “Prodloužení”/”Продовження”).
⚠️If you do not come to this appointment and you do not reschedule or inform the Ministry of Interior, your temporary protection will expire on 30 September 2024.
☎️ Please call the Temporary Protection Info Line at +420 974 801 802 if in need of more detailed information.
You can see the samples of the documents from the website of the Ministry of the Interior.
➡️ What document do I receive as a beneficiary of temporary protection?
You will be issued with a visa-type sticker in your passport indicating the validity and temporary protection code type. You can see the samples of such documents here:
➡️ How can I register a minor who is not accompanied by parents or an adult who is a legal guardian as a beneficiary of temporary protection?
If the child comes with a relative, acquaintance or even a stranger, they do not have documents but affirmatively declare that the person cares for the child, then the following document is sufficient for the purpose of applying for a temporary protection – the affidavit. In case of doubt, the application can be made by the OSPOD as the public guardian.
If the child comes alone, then there is a person who requests custody of the child (interim measure) – e.g., a relative who already lives in the Czech Republic – and this person applies on behalf of the child for the temporary protection, or the child is represented by the OSPOD as a public guardian, or a guardian is appointed for the child by the court.
If the child arrives as part of a group (evacuation of the institution) and is accompanied by persons who is responsible for them (this is proven by a decision of the competent authority or by affidavit) – they represent the child in the application procedure.
If there are no such persons, the child is represented by the person who has been granted custody of the child in the Czech Republic or the director of the institution where the child has been placed; or OSPOD as public guardian.
➡️ What documents are required for minors traveling in the EU?
Firstly, bear in mind that, even if a country does not require minors to carry an official authorization to leave or enter its territory, other countries they transit through may ask the child to show one.
Check here for more information for the countries you are travelling to and from: https://europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/travel/entry-exit/travel-documents-minors/index_en.htm
➡️ What can I do if I do not meet the conditions of temporary protection and cannot return to Ukraine or another country?
You have the option to apply for a tolerance visa (for stays over 90 days), at the OAMP MV office. The application can only be submitted in person.
➡️ What to do if I did not register for an extension of temporary protection?
If you did not register online by 15 March 2024, your temporary protection has expired. Your eligibility for temporary protection-related benefits, such as humanitarian benefits, housing assistance, free access to the labour market, or access to health insurance, have also been terminated.
You have the option to apply for temporary protection again. Repeated applications for temporary protection shall be submitted at the KACPU under the same conditions as the initial application for temporary protection; it will be assessed whether the person meets the conditions for temporary protection.
Repeated applications for temporary protection do not provide for the possibility of reapplying for certain benefits that are limited in time. Example: If you already had temporary protection and have already exhausted the statutory 150 days of paid health insurance, you are not allowed for another 150 days when reapplying for temporary protection; if your temporary protection has expired or you have previously closed temporary protection and applied for it again, you will not be entitled to free humanitarian housing again.
➡️ What are the exact legal provisions I can refer to in case the validity of my residence permit is questioned?
In case of error or questions regarding the validity of temporary protection, please refer to the Ministry of Interior or our legal partners to get legal assistance (⚖️ Legal aid – UNHCR Czechia).
➡️ What are the administrative offices responsible for the temporary protection?
You apply for temporary protection at one of the Regional Assistance Centre for Ukraine (in Czech Krajské asistenční centrum pomoci Ukrajině – KACPU), whose activities are coordinated by the Ministry of Interior.
Official information line on temporary protection from the Ministry of Interior: 📞 + 420 974 801 802, 🕗 Mon-Fri 8:00–16:00 (outside these hours the audio-recorded response provided). 📧 Email: [email protected]
➡️ What are my rights and entitlements?
With granted temporary protection in the Czech Republic, you have the right to stay legally in the CR during the validity of your temporary protection and abide by the Czech laws and obligations. You have free access to labour market without additional procedures. Children from 6-15 are obliged to attend the Czech schools. With mandatory public medical insurance, you have access to health care (which is free for some groups of persons, such as children, seniors above 65 years old, students, caregivers etc.). As a temporary protection holder, you can apply for some social protection benefits under Urad prace (humanitarian subsidy or “humanitární dávka“), and to any other assistance programs, such as legal and social counselling, language and integration activities provided in your location.
The rights and obligations of persons granted temporary protection, which are not regulated by the Law on Temporary Protection or the Law on Certain Measures in Connection with the Armed Conflict on the Territory of Ukraine, are regulated by the Law on the Stay of Foreigners.
It is your responsibility to inform the Ministry of Interior about changes in your data, e.g., changes in your address, surname or first name, marital status or change of travel document. These changes must be immediately reported to the Ministry of Interior (up to 3 working days).You can report the change personally and it will be made on the spot. If you do not notify about the change in due time, you may be fined. You can also notify about the change by mail or using the “Data Box” (Datová schránka). You can also visit a branch of the MoI during business hours without an appointment and be received on a first-come, first-served basis.
➡️ Can I apply for temporary protection in the Czech Republic if I already have temporary protection in another country?
No, according to the Czech legislation, an application for temporary protection is inadmissible if it is submitted by a foreigner who has applied for temporary protection in another EU Member State or who has been granted temporary protection in another EU Member State. Except for qualified cases of family reunification, please refer to the Ministry of Interior Department for Asylum and Migration Policy (MV OAMP).
Any other long term residence permit or visa granted by a third country may also be a reason not to grant or extend temporary protection in Czechia. Please refer to official website of Ministry of Interior for more information: Тимчасовий захист – frs.gov.cz under section Inše/Jiné
If you need legal assistance, refer to our NGO legal partners (⚖️ Legal aid – UNHCR Czechia).
➡️ If I have temporary protection, can I travel to other EU countries?
Yes, temporary protection is granted in the form of a visa for stays of more than 90 days. The visa issued also entitles its holder to travel within the Schengen area as a tourist for 90 days of 180 days. The temporary protection visa does not grant you automatically the right to work in other countries. With a valid temporary protection visa and a valid passport, you can travel within the Schengen area, as well as to Ukraine.
For countries outside the EU, you may require a visa in the same manner as any other Ukrainian national does. Please consult the information from the Embassy of that country.