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Bleak milestone of dead and missing in the Mediterranean has reached over 1,000 for fifth year in a row, despite lower numbers crossing to Europe. The high loss of life illustrates the urgent need to strengthen search and rescue capacities in the region. …
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UNHCR EU Retweeted
There is no migration/refugee crisis in Europe. Very low arrival and "secondary movement" figures are the opportunity for EU states to focus together on real issues like asylum reform, safe pathways and more+better aid to refugee hosting+transit
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Full house at
#OdySS18 for the debate on@easo annual report w/@Refugees_EU@ecre and the European Migration Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Exchanging good practices on how to address
#statelessness in the#EU at the Statelessness Platform Retreat in Athens, co-organized by#UNHCR and the European Migration Network, Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
UNHCR EU Retweeted
Four decades of conflict in
#Afghanistan has led to massive displacement in the region.#Iran alone has received around three million Afghan#refugees. The EU has funded humanitarian projects targeting Afghan refugees in the country since 1997. See more:!mj86Kg Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
UNHCR EU Retweeted
“Solidarity among Member States must be coupled with assured access to the EU’s asylum system, rather than shifting responsibilities and externalizing asylum.” - Pascale Moreau
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A new €34 million EU-
@unhcr agreement aims to improve access to health services & education for Afghani refugees.Assist with legal issues & contribute to refugees' and host communities' economic self-reliance. Resilience post conflict is key
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UNHCR EU Retweeted
There is need of clarity about who is responsible to respond to SAR events and for people rescued in the
#Mediterranean, with the EU playing a leading role in that.@Magenniss at#OdySS18 Opening Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
@Europaid contribution is essential to help Afghan refugees striving and building a new life in dignity, rather than just surviving, and to support the communities that generously host them in Islamic republics of Iran and Pakistan. Thanks to
#EuropeanUnion for this support …Thanks. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
UNHCR EU Retweeted
UNHCR calls on Austria EU Presidency to lead and unite EU countries towards a fair and functioning asylum system
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UNHCR EU Retweeted
Thanks to funds provided by
@UNHCRUkraine completed repairs of 211 houses damaged by the crisis in east Ukrainenear Donetsk, benefitting 454 beneficiaries, including persons with disabilities, elderlies, and single caregivers. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
UNHCR EU Retweeted
#UNHCR@EU_Commission exhibition "This is a woman's world" takes its place for 3 days at the#CalltoactionGBV event organised by@EU_ECHO in MCE (Brussels), gathering partners working to end gender-based violence in Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
UNHCR EU Retweeted
Read today’s statement by UNHCR and IOM
@UNmigration on rescue at sea, disembarkation and asylum in Europe - ahead of the@EUCouncil#EUCO on Thursday. …Thanks. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
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"GBV is not just another violence. It is a violence that has life-long effect on the mental health of girls and women victims of it. We must do everything to stop it"
@StylianidesEU during the event organised by@EU_ECHO on#CalltoactionGBV.#UNHCR fully supports this Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
#UNHCR@EU_Commission exhibition "This is a woman's world" takes its place for 3 days at the#CalltoactionGBV event organised by@EU_ECHO in MCE (Brussels), gathering partners working to end gender-based violence in Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
UNHCR EU Retweeted
Very good news from Ireland. Joining France, Malta, Spain and Portugal. Time now for durable agreement on how to handle future rescues.
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UNHCR EU Retweeted
Millions of refugees and displaced will benefit from Sweden’s latest contribution to UNHCR: 400 million $ over 4 years. Flexible funds to be used where they are most needed including in underfunded crises. This is generous and exemplary donorship. Thank you
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UNHCR EU Retweeted
Resettlement is not only a critical lifeline for some of the most vulnerable people on the planet, it’s also a tangible way governments & communities can better share responsibility for the global displacement crisis. -
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UNHCR EU Retweeted
Happening now: 490 individuals disembarked in
#Tripoli - more than 1,000 refugees and migrants disembarked during the past 5 Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo
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