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Roumanie : information sur la loi sur le statut (janvier 2003 - janvier 2006)

Publisher Canada: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada
Author Direction des recherches, Commission de l'immigration et du statut de réfugié du Canada, Ottawa
Publication Date 15 February 2006
Citation / Document Symbol ROU100793.EF
Cite as Canada: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada, Roumanie : information sur la loi sur le statut (janvier 2003 - janvier 2006), 15 February 2006, ROU100793.EF, available at: [accessed 4 June 2023]
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Aperçu historique

Le 19 juin 2001, le gouvernement de Hongrie a adopté la loi LXII de 2001 sur les Hongrois vivant dans les pays voisins (Hongrie 19 juin 2001), couramment appelée [traduction] « loi sur le statut » (The Budapest Sun 8 nov. 2001). Certains pays considèrent que cette loi, qui accorde certains avantages aux personnes d'origine hongroise vivant à l'étranger, porte atteinte à leur souveraineté (AFP 18 juill. 2003); parmi ces pays, mentionnons la Roumanie, que 1,4 million de Hongrois considèrent comme leur terre d'adoption (Transitions Online 1er oct. 2003).

Cependant, en juillet 2003, la Roumanie et la Hongrie se sont entendues sur une modification de la loi sur le statut, modification qui, selon le ministre roumain des Affaires étrangères, Mircea Geona, [traduction] « élimin[e] les aspects discriminatoires et ceux qui n'étaient pas conformes aux normes européennes » (AFP 18 juill. 2003). En septembre 2003, le premier ministre de la Roumanie, Adrian Nastase, et le premier ministre de la Hongrie, Peter Medgyessy, ont signé une entente concernant la mise en œuvre de cette loi modifiée en Roumanie (Duna TV 23 sept. 2003; Radio Romania Actualitati 23 sept. 2003; Kossuth Radio 23 sept. 2003; Transitions Online 1er oct. 2003); on espérait que cette modification apaiserait les [traduction] « tensions régionales » (WMRC 24 sept. 2003) et [traduction] « éliminerait un problème de relations bilatérales qui existait depuis plus de deux ans » (Radio Romania Actualitati 23 sept. 2003). Le 1er décembre 2003, Kossuth Radio a mentionné que le gouvernement roumain avait adopté l'entente de septembre 2003.

Loi sur le statut

Ce qui suit est une partie des dispositions de la loi LXII de 2001 sur les Hongrois vivant dans les pays voisins (loi sur le statut), qui comprend les modifications adoptées par le Parlement hongrois le 23 juin 2003 et dont le texte intégral, tiré du site Internet de l'Office gouvernemental des minorités hongroises à l'étranger (Government Office for Hungarian Minorities Abroad – GOHMA), est annexé à la fin de la présente réponse.

La loi hongroise sur le statut vise


[...] à garantir le bien-être des Hongrois vivant dans les pays voisins de leur mère patrie, à promouvoir leurs liens avec la Hongrie, à appuyer leur identité hongroise et leurs liens avec le patrimoine culturel hongrois comme expression de leur appartenance à la nation hongroise (Hongrie 23 juin 2003).

La loi sur le statut s'applique aux Hongrois d'origine qui ne sont pas citoyens de Hongrie et qui vivent dans l'un des six pays suivants : Croatie, Roumanie, Serbie-et-Monténégro, Slovaquie, Slovénie et Ukraine (ibid., art. 1). Tel qu'il est mentionné dans la loi, les privilèges culturels et scientifiques accordés aux Hongrois d'origine vivant dans un pays voisin sont l'accès aux institutions et services culturels de la Hongrie, y compris les bibliothèques (ibid., art. 4), l'appartenance à la communauté scientifique et l'accès aux fonds de recherche (ibid., art. 5), ainsi que la reconnaissance et le mérite pour les contributions apportées à la culture et aux valeurs humanitaires de la Hongrie (ibid., art. 6). Les voyages en Hongrie sont également financés : par exemple, les personnes détenant une [traduction] « carte de Hongrois d'origine [ou une] carte de membre de la famille d'un Hongrois d'origine » peuvent profiter d'un rabais de 90 p. 100 sur les longs voyages internes jusqu'à quatre fois par année (ibid., art. 8). Les dispositions de la loi concernant l'éducation permettent aux détenteurs de cartes de Hongrois d'origine de fréquenter des établissements d'enseignement supérieur en Hongrie et de recevoir du financement de la part du gouvernement, à divers degrés (dans certains cas, le remboursement total des frais de scolarité) (ibid., art. 9). De plus, la Hongrie s'est engagée à appuyer la création et l'administration d'établissements scolaires de langue hongroise dans les pays voisins afin de faciliter l'accès des personnes d'origine hongroise à l'enseignement primaire, secondaire et supérieur dans leur langue maternelle, dans le but de préserver leur identité linguistique et culturelle à l'extérieur des frontières du pays (ibid., art. 13-14). Au sujet de l'emploi, la loi prévoit que les Hongrois d'origine sont soumis aux même règles que tout chercheur d'emploi étranger (ibid., art. 15). Finalement, l'article 17 de la loi ordonne la diffusion d'émissions de télévision d'intérêt public dans les communautés d'origine hongroise afin de renforcer les liens culturels panhongrois (ibid., art. 17).

Il importe de mentionner que la mise en application de cette loi, dont il est question ci-dessous, est régie par les règles établies dans le cadre de l'entente conclue entre le gouvernement de Roumanie et le gouvernement de la République de Hongrie sur la mise en application de la loi modifiée sur les avantages accordés aux Hongrois en Roumanie (Agreement Between the Government of Romania and the Government of the Republic of Hungary on Implementation of the Amended Benefit Law in Romania), signée par la Roumanie et la Hongrie le 23 septembre 2003 (ibid. 23 sept. 2003).

Mise en application de la loi sur le statut

L'entente susmentionnée comprend de nombreuses dispositions jugées moins [traduction] « litigieuses » par les Roumains (Transitions Online 1er oct. 2003). Par exemple, tandis que les demandes visant l'obtention de documents comme la carte de Hongrois d'origine peuvent être remplies en Roumanie, les documents ne sont délivrés qu'à Budapest (ibid.). De plus, les documents ne sont pas délivrés aux parents du demandeur qui ne sont pas d'origine hongroise (ibid.).

Dans le domaine de l'éducation, une aide financière est accordée aux établissements plutôt qu'aux personnes, et certaines bourses d'études sont offertes à tous, peu importe leur origine ethnique (ibid.). Budapest a également mis un terme au financement de l'éducation des enfants d'origine hongroise vivant en Roumanie mais étudiant en Hongrie, puisque l'union démocratique des Hongrois de Roumanie (Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania – DAHR) s'est plainte du fait que [traduction] « moins de 10 p. 100 des jeunes [hongrois d'origine] reviennent en Roumanie » (ibid.).

Pour de plus amples détails sur la façon dont la loi sur le statut est appliquée en Roumanie, veuillez consulter l'entente annexée, tirée du site Internet du GOHMA.

Nombre de demandeurs

D'après la DAHR, entre janvier 2002 et septembre 2003, quelque 400 000 citoyens roumains ont demandé une carte d'identité hongroise aux termes de la loi sur le statut (WMRC 24 sept. 2003; Kossuth Radio 22 sept. 2003); environ 32 000, une carte d'identité d'étudiant; 4 628, une carte d'identité d'enseignant et 357, une [traduction] « carte de formateur » (ibid.). D'après le recensement de 2002, cela signifie qu'à la mi-septembre 2003, environ 28 p. 100 des personnes d'origine hongroise vivant en Roumanie avaient demandé des cartes d'identité hongroises aux termes de la loi sur le statut (ibid.). Transitions Online a mentionné qu'au cours des neuf premiers mois de 2003, le nombre de citoyens roumains quittant la ville de Cluj pour la Hongrie avait augmenté de 26 p. 100 par rapport à la même période l'année précédente (1er oct. 2003).

Cette réponse a été préparée par la Direction des recherches à l'aide de renseignements puisés dans les sources qui sont à la disposition du public, et auxquelles la Direction des recherches a pu avoir accès dans les délais prescrits. Cette réponse n'apporte pas, ni ne prétend apporter, de preuves concluantes quant au fondement d'une demande d'asile. Veuillez trouver ci-dessous la liste des autres sources consultées pour la réponse à cette demande d'information.


Agence France-Presse (AFP). 18 juillet 2003. « Hungary and Romania Agree on Amendment to Controversial Minority Law ». (Factiva)

The Budapest Sun. 8 novembre 2001. Fraser Allan. Vol. IX, no 45. « What Lies Behind Act LXII? – Analysis ». [Date de consultation : 20 janv. 2006]

Duna TV [Budapest, en hongrois]. 23 septembre 2003. « Hungarian Premier Insists Romania Fulfil Signed Agreements ». (Factiva/BBC Monitoring)

Hongrie. 23 septembre 2003. Agreement Between the Government of Romania and the Government of the Republic of Hungary on Implementation of the Amended Benefit Law in Romania. Government Office for Hungarian Minorities Abroad (GOHMA). [Date de consultation : 20 janv. 2006]
_____. 23 juin 2003. Act LXII of 2001 on Hungarians Living in Neighbouring Countries. Government Office for Hungarian Minorities Abroad (GOHMA). [Date de consultation : 20 janv. 2006]
_____. 19 juin 2001. Act LXII of 2001 on Hungarians Living in Neighbouring Countries. Government Office for Hungarian Minorities Abroad (GOHMA). [Date de consultation : 20 janv. 2006]

Kossuth Radio [Budapest, en hongrois]. 1er décembre 2003. « Bucharest Adopts Bilateral Agreement on Implementation of Hungarian Status Law ». (Factiva/BBC Monitoring)
_____. 23 septembre 2003. « Hungarian, Romanian Premiers Sign Agreement on "Status Law" ». (Factiva/BBC Monitoring)
_____. 22 septembre 2003. « Almost 28 per cent of Hungarians in Romania Apply for Hungarian ID Cards ». (Factiva/BBC Monitoring)

Radio Romania Actualitati [Bucarest, en roumain]. 23 septembre 2003. « Romanian Premier Praises Accord with Hungary on Ethnic Status Law ». (Factiva/BBC Monitoring)

Transitions Online [Prague]. 1er octobre 2003. Dumitru Balaci. « A Status Quo, Finally ». (Factiva)

World Markets Research Centre (WMRC). 24 septembre 2003. Mandy Kirby. « Romania, Hungary Sign Agreement to Protect Regional Hungarian Diaspora ». (Factiva)

Autres sources consultées

Sites Internet, y compris : Amnesty International (AI), Conseil de l'Europe, Courrier des Balkans, European Country of Origin Information Network (ECOI), Freedom House, Human Rights Watch (HRW), Organisation pour la sécurité et la coopération en Europe (OSCE), Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL), Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania, Union européenne (UE), United States Department of State.

Document électronique annexé

Hongrie. 23 septembre 2003. Agreement Between the Government of Romania and the Government of the Republic of Hungary on Implementation of the Amended Benefit Law in Romania. Government Office for Hungarian Minorities Abroad (GOHMA). [Date de consultation : 20 janv. 2006]

Agreement between the Government of Romania and the Government of the Republic of Hungary on implementation of the amended benefit law in Romania (September 23, 2003)

The Government of Romania and the Government of the Republic of Hungary, hereinafter referred to as "the Parties",

Guided by a joint effort to strengthen their bilateral relations in the spirit of mutual understanding and good-neighbourly co-operation,

Bearing in mind the Treaty on understanding, co-operation and good-neighbourliness between Romania and the Republic of Hungary, signed in Timiºoara, on the 16th of September 1996, in particular the provisions concerning the protection of the rights of persons belonging to national minorities, acknowledging that providing effective equality in rights and chances for the national minorities living in their respective countries and creating conditions for them to prosper in their land of birth, constitute an indispensable contribution to the stability of the region and to the creation of a future Europe, based on values as cultural and linguistic diversity and tolerance,

Led by the Declaration on Strategic Partnership between the Government of Romania and the Government of the Republic of Hungary, signed in Budapest, on the 29th of November 2002,

Taking into account the prospective membership of the two countries in the European Union,

Willingful of promoting the European values and standards,

Guided by the willingness to promote the preservation and development of the cultural and linguistic identity of the persons belonging to Romanian and Hungarian national minorities living in the two countries, in order for the citizens to have better knowledge on the culture and language of the other State, in conformity with the international treaties on the matter, in force between the two States,

Bearing in mind the provisions of the European and international documents in the field of the protection of the rights of persons belonging to national minorities and the recommendations of the European institutions, in particular the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities and the European Commission,

Guided by the provisions of the Venice Commission's report on the preferential treatment of national minorities by their kin States, setting forth the conditions in which the involvement of the kin State is legitimate, as the respect of the territorial sovereignty, pacta sunt servanda, the principle of good neighbourliness, respect of human rights and fundamental freedoms, in particular the principle of non-discrimination,

Have agreed upon conditions with regard to implementing the Law on Hungarians Living in Neighbouring Countries concerning Romanian citizens, as follows:

Article 1

The Romanian citizens of non-Hungarian ethnic origin shall not be granted any Certificate and, on this basis, shall not be entitled to apply for any benefits set forth by the Law on Hungarians Living in Neighbouring Countries.

Article 2

The Parties note that the entire procedure of granting the certificate (receiving of applications, issue, distribution) takes place on the territory of the Republic of Hungary, including the Hungarian diplomatic and consular missions as to the receiving of applications.

Article 3

The Parties acknowledge that non-governmental organisations established by the ethnic Hungarians on the territory of Romania shall not issue any recommendations concerning the ethnic origin or other criteria, as far as the procedure of granting the Certificate is concerned.

Article 4

The Romanian Party notes that Romanian citizens which are pupils in elementary schools and high-schools and learn in Hungarian language, as well as the students studying in Hungarian language in higher educational institutions or attend classes in the field of Hungarian culture may enjoy, on the territory of the Republic of Hungary, benefits for the support of their studies, on the basis of their pupil/student quality in Romania.

Article 5

The Romanian Party notes that Romanian citizens teaching in Hungarian language or in the field of Hungarian culture in elementary schools and high-schools or in higher educational institutions may enjoy, on the territory of the Republic of Hungary, benefits for teachers and professors for the support of their teaching activities, on the basis of their teacher/professor quality in Romania.

Article 6

The Parties convened that the "School" Foundation, in conformity with the Romanian legislation, distributes, by contest, on the basis of projects, educational benefits, for educational institutions or for individuals for the purpose of scholarships, on a non-discriminatory basis.

Article 7

The Hungarian Certificates for Romanian citizens shall be used only on the territory of the Republic of Hungary;

Article 8

The Government of the Republic of Hungary strives to take the necessary steps in order to bring the Certificates into conformity with the Recommendations of the European institutions, including those of the European Commission of December 2002.

Article 9

The Government of the Republic of Hungary agrees that the Hungarian citizens of Romanian ethnic origin living in the Republic of Hungary shall be granted, in accordance with the Romanian relevant legislation regarding the support for the Romanian minorities living abroad and on the basis of reciprocity, the same level of facilities as those granted to Romanian citizens of Hungarian ethnic origin living in Romania, in accordance with the legal framework in force between Romania and the Republic of Hungary on this matter.

Article 10

On the entry into force of this Agreement, the Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of Romania and the Government of the Republic of Hungary concerning the Law on Hungarians Living in Neighbouring Countries and Issues of Bilateral Co-operation, signed in Budapest, on the 22nd of December 2001 shall terminate its validity.

Article 11

This Agreement shall enter into force on the date of the latter notification regarding the fulfilment of the domestic procedures necessary for the entry into force of this Agreement.

Signed in Bucharest, on the 23 September 2003, in two original copies, each of them in the English language.

Hungary. 23 June 2003. Act LXII of 2001 on Hungarians Living in Neighbouring Countries. Government Office for Hungarian Minorities Abroad (GOHMA). [Date de consultation : 20 Jan. 2006]

(the consolidated text inclusive of amendments passed by the Parliament on 23 June 2003

Act LXII of 2001 on Hungarians Living in Neighbouring Countries

In order for the Republic of Hungary to meet its obligations to Hungarians living outside Hungary and to promote the preservation and development of their manifold relations with Hungary as provided for in Article 6 Paragraph 3 of the Constitution,

With a view to the accession of the Republic of Hungary to the European Union and in keeping with the fundamental principles espoused by international organisations, and in particular by the Council of Europe regarding respect for human rights and protection of the rights of minorities;

With regard for the generally recognised rules of international law, as well as for the obligations of the Republic of Hungary assumed under international law;

With regard for the development of bilateral and multilateral good-neighbourly relations and partnership and regional co-operation in the Central European region in particular with a view to bilateral treaties concluded by the Republic of Hungary with neighbouring countries to maintain good neighbourly relations and cooperation, and to guarantee the rights of minorities and for the need to strengthen the stabilising role of Hungary;

In order to ensure the well being of Hungarians living in neighbouring states in their home-state, to promote their ties to Hungary, to support their Hungarian identity and their links to the Hungarian cultural heritage as expression of their belonging to the Hungarian nation;

Upon the initiative and based on the proposals of the Hungarian Standing Conference, as the consultative body working to preserve and reinforce the identity of Hungarian communities living in neighbouring states;

Without prejudice to the benefits and grants provided by law for persons of Hungarian ethnic origin living outside Hungary in other parts of the world;

Parliament has adopted this Act:

Chapter I


Section 1.

(1) This Act shall apply to persons declaring themselves to be of Hungarian ethnic origin who are not Hungarian citizens and who reside in the Republic of Croatia, Romania, Serbia and Montenegro the Republic of Slovenia, the Slovak Republic or Ukraine (hereafter referred to as neighbouring states).

(2) Unless otherwise provided for by treaties, this Act shall also apply to spouses living with persons identified in paragraph (1) and to minor children residing within a common household (hereafter collectively referred to as immediate family members) even if these persons do not declare themselves to be of Hungarian ethnic origin.

(3) The Act shall not apply to persons

a) who have lost their Hungarian citizenship due to a voluntary renunciation;

b) whose Hungarian citizenship has been revoked because it had been obtained under fraudulent circumstances;

c) who have been granted an immigration permit or a permanent residence permit on the territory of the Republic of Hungary or who have been granted refugee or temporarily protected person status.

Section 2.

(1) The Republic of Hungary wishes to contribute to the well-being and prosperity of Hungarians living in neighbouring states and to the preservation of their cultural and linguistic identity by providing benefits and grants to persons covered by the scope of this Act and their organisations as laid down in this Act.

(2) The provisions of this Act shall be applied in conformity with the obligations of the Republic of Hungary assumed under treaties and in keeping with the generally recognised rules of international law, in particular the principles of the territorial sovereignty of states, pacta sunt servanda, friendly relations amongst states and the respect for human rights, including the prohibition of discrimination.

Section 3.

(1) Persons falling within the scope of this Act shall be entitled, under the conditions laid down in this Act, to benefits and grants on the territory of the Republic of Hungary.

(2) Persons falling within the scope of this Act and declaring themselves to be of Hungarian ethnic origin shall be entitled to cultural and educational grants at their place of residence in neighbouring states in order to assist them in preserving their cultural and linguistic identity. Unless otherwise provided for by treaties, this Act shall be applied to the awarding of grants claimable on the territory of neighbouring states.

(3) The benefits and grants provided for in this Act shall be without prejudice to the benefits and grants provided by legislation in force for persons of Hungarian ethnic origin but not of Hungarian citizenship living outside Hungary in other parts of the world.

Chapter II


Culture and sciences

Section 4.

(1) The Republic of Hungary shall ensure within its territory to persons falling within the scope of Section 1 paragraphs (1) and (2):

a) access to public cultural institutions and services thereof,

b) access to cultural goods for researchers and members of the public,

c) access to historic monuments and related documentation,

d) access for the purposes of scientific research to archive materials containing protected personal particulars, if the neighbouring state in which the ethnic Hungarian has his/her domicile is a party to the international convention on the protection of personal particulars 1/.

(2) Persons falling within the scope of Section 1 paragraphs (1) and (2) shall be entitled to have access to the services of any state-run public library, and the following basic services free of charge:

a) visits to the library,

b) on-site use of certain selected collections held by the library,

c) use of cataloguing tools,

d) information on the services of the library and of the library network,

e) borrowing privileges for printed library materials upon registration and under the conditions laid down in the library regulations.

(3) Further benefits with respect to access of persons falling within the scope of Section 1 paragraphs (1) and (2) to services offered by state-run museums and public cultural institutions shall be laid down in a separate law.

(4) The entitlement to benefits available under paragraph (1)-(3) shall be certified by the "Ethnic Hungarian card" or the "Family of ethnic Hungarian card".

Section 5.

(1) Hungarian scientists falling within the scope of Section 1 paragraph (1) of this Act shall have the right to become external or regular members of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

(2) Scientists identified in paragraph (1) are entitled to their research in Hungary to benefits as laid out in a separate law.

Distinctions and scholarships

Section 6.

(1) The Republic of Hungary shall ensure that persons falling within the scope of this Act, in recognition of their outstanding and exemplary activities in the service of all Hungarians and in enriching Hungarian and universal human values, are entitled to distinctions bestowed by the Republic of Hungary and to titles, prizes or diplomas established by its Ministers.

(2) Eligibility criteria for state scholarships shall be set in a way that persons falling within the scope of this Act can receive such scholarships.

Social Security Benefits and Health Services

Section 7.


Travel benefits

Section 8.

(1) Persons falling within the scope of Section 1 paragraphs (1) and (2) shall – in accordance with the purpose of this Act and to strengthen their attachment to the Hungarian culture – be entitled to travel benefits on scheduled domestic local or long-distance public transport on the territory of the Republic of Hungary. With regard to railways, such benefits shall apply to second-class fares.

(2) An unlimited number of journeys shall be provided free of charge for:

a) children under six years of age and

b) persons over sixty-five years of age.

(3) A ninety-percent travel discount shall be provided on domestic long-distance public transport for

a) persons identified in paragraph (1) four times a year,

b) groups of at least ten persons under eighteen years of age travelling as a group and falling within the scope of this Act, and two accompanying adults once a year.

(4) The detailed rules related to travel benefits shall be laid down in a separate law.

(5) The entitlement to benefits available under paragraph (1)-(3) shall be certified by the "Ethnic Hungarian card" or the "Family of ethnic Hungarian card".


Section 9.

(1) Persons falling within the scope of Section 1 paragraphs (1) and (2), in accordance with the provisions of a separate law, shall be entitled to take part in

a) undergraduate-level college or university education,

b) supplementary undergraduate education,

c) non-degree programmes,

d) doctoral (PhD) and Doctor of Liberal Arts (DLA) programmes,

e) general and specialised further training,

f) accredited institutional tertiary vocational training

in Hungarian language at institutions of higher education in the Republic of Hungary.

(2) Students falling within the scope of Section 1 paragraphs (1) and (2) and participating in state-financed full-time training programmes specified in paragraph (1), shall be entitled to formula funding on the one hand, and in-cash and in-kind benefits on the other, both being part of the appropriations of budgetary expenditure for students, as well as to the reimbursement of detailed health insurance contributions. Types of grants and additional benefits shall be regulated by the Minister of Education in a separate law.

(3) Persons falling within the scope of this Act shall be entitled to pursue studies at institutions of higher education in the Republic of Hungary within the framework of state-financed training in a fixed number to be determined annually by the Minister of Education.

(4) Students falling within the scope of Section 1 paragraphs (1) and (2) and participating in non-state-financed training shall be entitled to apply for the partial or full reimbursement of the costs of their stay and tuition in Hungary. The terms and conditions of reimbursement shall be regulated in a separate law.

Student benefits

Section 10.

Minors falling within the scope of Section paragraphs (1) and (2)pursuing their studies in institutions of primary, secondary and tertiary education are entitled to student benefits on the territory of the Republic of Hungary. Entitlement to benefits shall be certified jointly by the "Ethnic Hungarian card" or the "Family of ethnic Hungarian card" and the special appendix (Student Pass) appended to it for this purpose. The Student Pass shall be issued by an agency laid down in a separate Law. The agency authorised to issue Student Passes shall maintain a record of the information supplied on the application form for "Ethnic Hungarian cards" and "Family of ethnic Hungarian cards" and entered into the Student Pass until the date of expiry. Detailed rules on access to these benefits shall be laid down in a separate law.

Grants to teachers and instructors

Section 11.

(1) Instructors teaching in an institution of primary and secondary education falling within the scope of Section paragraphs (1) and (2) shall be entitled to take part in regular further training in Hungary in a fixed number determined annually by the Minister of Education. Furthermore, unless otherwise provided for by treaties, teachers and instructors falling within the scope of this Act shall also be entitled to take part in accredited and recognised regular training courses held by Hungarian institutions in a neighbouring country, and to receive the benefits specified in paragraph (2).

(2) For the duration of the further training and to the extent stipulated by a separate law, persons identified in paragraph (1) shall be entitled to request from the Hungarian educational institution providing the further training

a) reimbursement of their accommodation costs,

b) reimbursement of their travel expenses, and

c) a contribution to their costs of enrolment.

(3) Detailed rules on the further training for teachers specified in paragraph (1) shall be laid down in a separate law.

Section 12.

Instructors and teachers teaching in an institution of primary, secondary and tertiary education falling within the scope of Section 1 paragraphs (1) and (2) are entitled to teachers' benefits on the territory of the Republic of Hungary. Their entitlement shall be certified jointly by the "Ethnic Hungarian card" or the "Family of ethnic Hungarian card" and the special appendix to it (the Teacher/Instructor Pass) that serves this purpose. The agency authorised to issue such cards shall maintain a record of the information supplied on the application form for "Ethnic Hungarian cards" and "Family of ethnic Hungarian cards" and entered into the Teacher/Instructor Pass until the date of expiry. Detailed rules on access to these benefits shall be laid down in a separate law.

Affiliated training and education programmes in neighbouring states

Section 13.

(1) The Republic of Hungary shall promote the preservation of the mother tongue, culture and identity of ethnic Hungarians living in neighbouring states by facilitating the establishment and operation of departments affiliated with accredited Hungarian institutions of higher education in neighbouring states.

The financial resources necessary for the realisation of these goals shall be set out as targeted appropriations in the budget of the Republic of Hungary. The Minister of Education shall make a determination on the allocation of available resources pursuant to the provisions of a separate law.

(2) The Republic of Hungary shall support the establishment, operation and development of institutions of higher education (faculties and departments) using Hungarian as the language of instruction and seeking accreditation in neighbouring states. Applications for the financial resources necessary for the realisation of these goals may be submitted to the public benefit organisation established for this purpose.

Educational grants available in neighbouring states

Section 14.

(1) Minors pursuing their studies in the Hungarian language or in the subject of Hungarian culture in an institution of primary, secondary and tertiary education falling within the scope of Section 1, paragraphs (1) and (2) with the participation of a non-governmental organisation established in a neighbouring state with the purpose of maintaining Hungarian education and culture are entitled to educational grants as well as grants for the purchase of books and learning materials, and students of higher education, to study grants.

(2) On the basis of a bilateral agreement, recipients of such grants may also include parents' or instructors' association operating alongside the institution of education.

(3) The detailed rules related to awarding grants and disbursing funds specified in paragraphs (1) shall be laid down in a separate law.


Section 15.

Employment on the territory of the Republic of Hungary of persons falling within the scope of Section 1 paragraphs (1) and (2) shall be governed by the general rules concerning the issuance of work permits to foreigners in Hungary. Derogation from the general rules may be provided for by treaties.

Section 16.


Tasks of the public service media

Section 17.

(1) The Hungarian public service media shall ensure that information on ethnic Hungarians living in neighbouring states is collected and transmitted on a regular basis, and that information on Hungary and the Hungarian people is transmitted to ethnic Hungarians.

This information shall serve the following objectives:

a) to transmit Hungarian and universal intellectual and cultural values,

b) to form a balanced picture of the world, of Hungary and of the Hungarian people,

c) to preserve the identity, mother tongue and culture of ethnic Hungarian communities.

(2) The Republic of Hungary shall ensure the production and broadcasting of public service television programmes for ethnic Hungarians living in neighbouring countries through the establishment and operation of an organisation devoted to such purposes, in accordance with the European Convention on Transfrontier Television. The financial resources necessary to this end shall be made available by the central state budget.

Grants to organisations in neighbouring states

Section 18.

(1) The Republic of Hungary shall provide grants to organisations in neighbouring states working to facilitate the preservation of the identity, mother tongue and culture of Hungarian kin-minority communities.

(2) In order to obtain such grants, the organisations specified in paragraph (1) may submit applications to foreign organisations (Section 25 paragraph (1)) established for this purpose provided they promote in particular the following goals:

a) the preservation, furtherance and research of Hungarian national traditions,

b) the preservation and fostering of the Hungarian language, literature, culture and folk arts,

c) support of higher education for Hungarians in neighbouring states by facilitating the availability of instructors from Hungary as visiting lecturers,

d) the restoration and maintenance of monuments that form part of the Hungarian cultural heritage and preservation of the heritage of the countryside.

Chapter III


The "Ethnic Hungarian card" and the "Family of ethnic Hungarian card"

Section 19.

(1) The entitlement of persons falling within the scope of Section 1 paragraphs (1) and (2) to certain benefits available under this Act shall be certified by the "Ethnic Hungarian card" or the "Family of ethnic Hungarian card".

(2) From the Hungarian state agency (hereafter referred to as the evaluation authority) designated by the Government of the Republic of Hungary for this purpose

a) persons falling within the scope of Section 1 paragraph (1) declaring themselves to be of Hungarian ethnic origin, in the case of minors through their legal guardians, shall be entitled to apply for an "Ethnic Hungarian card";

b) unless otherwise provided for by treaties, persons falling within the scope of Section 1 paragraph (2), in the case of minors through their legal guardian, shall be entitled to apply for a "Family of ethnic Hungarian card".

(3) Persons specified in paragraph (2) subparagraph a) shall upon applying be entitled to an "Ethnic Hungarian card" provided that they

a) are proficient in the Hungarian language, or

b) are

ba) registered by their state of residence as persons declaring themselves to be of Hungarian ethnic origin, or

bb) registered members of an organisation uniting persons of Hungarian ethnic origin and operating on the territory of their state of residence, or

bc) registered by a church operating on the territory of their state of residence as persons of Hungarian ethnic origin.

(4) Applicants are not entitled to an "Ethnic Hungarian card" if they

a) already hold a valid "Ethnic Hungarian card", unless they have re-submitted their application due to changes in the information contained therein;

b) are subject to restrictions on their entry into or stay in, or to expulsion from, the territory of Hungary;

c) do not hold the certificate specified in Section 20 paragraph (2).

(5) Unless otherwise provided for by treaties, immediate family members shall upon applying be entitled to a "Family of ethnic Hungarian card" provided that they

a) certify with an official document their family relationship as specified in paragraph (2) subparagraph b) with a person of Hungarian ethnic origin as specified in paragraph (3), and

b) apply for the card on the basis of their family relationship with a person of Hungarian ethnic origin who holds or is entitled to hold an "Ethnic Hungarian card".

(6) Applicants are not entitled to a "Family of ethnic Hungarian card" if they

a) already hold a valid "Family of ethnic Hungarian card", unless they have re-submitted their application due to changes in the information contained therein;

b) are subject to restrictions on entry into or stay in, or to expulsion from, the territory of Hungary;

c) do not hold the certificate specified in Section 20 paragraph (3),

d) apply for the "Family of ethnic Hungarian card" on the basis of their family relationship with a person of Hungarian ethnic origin

da) who does not hold the certificate specified in Section 20 paragraph (2);

db) whose application for an "Ethnic Hungarian card" has been rejected by the evaluation authority; or

dc) whose "Ethnic Hungarian card" is not valid.

Section 20.

(1) Applications for an "Ethnic Hungarian card" or a "Family of ethnic Hungarian card" shall contain

a) the applicants' application, passport-size photograph and address,

b) personal particulars to be recorded on the card (Section 21 paragraph (5)),

c) the designation of the Hungarian diplomatic mission or consulate participating in the process,

d) the place and date of the issuance of the certificate.

(2) The Hungarian diplomatic mission or consulate operating in the state of residence of the applicant shall issue a certificate to the applicant once the conditions set forth in Section 19 paragraph (3) are satisfied.

(3) The Hungarian diplomatic mission or consulate operating in the state of residence of the applicant shall issue a certificate to the applicant upon the presentation of evidence of the applicant's family relationship with a person falling within the scope of Section 1 paragraph (1).

(4) Evidence that the conditions set forth in Section 19 paragraph (3) subparagraph b) and Section 19 paragraph (5) subparagraph a) are satisfied shall be supplied in the form of the relevant official documents. If evidence that the conditions set forth in Section 19 paragraph (3) subparagraph b) are satisfied cannot be supplied, the Hungarian diplomatic mission or consulate shall be entitled to request information from non-governmental organisations established by ethnic Hungarian communities living in neighbouring states.

(5) If the fulfilment of conditions for the issuance of the certificate cannot be verified either by official documents or the information requested, the Hungarian diplomatic mission or consulate shall not issue the certificate but shall forward the request to the evaluation authority in any case.

Section 21.

(1) With regard to period of validity, the "Ethnic Hungarian card" and of the "Family of ethnic Hungarian card"

a) shall expire on the eighteenth birthday of minors holding such cards;

b) shall be valid for five years for persons between eighteen and sixty years of age;

c) shall be valid indefinitely for persons over sixty years of age.

(2) After the expiry of such cards the issuance process shall be repeated upon applying. If during the period of validity set forth in paragraph (1) subparagraphs a) and c), the Appendix to the card becomes unsuitable to certify entitlement to benefits as a result of five years having passed after the issuance of the card, the card shall be replaced upon applying in order to ensure continued entitlement to benefits.

(3) The evaluation authority shall revoke the card

a) if the bearer has provided false information when applying for the certificate or the card;

b) if the bearer has been granted an immigration permit or a permanent residence permit;

c) if the bearer has been granted Hungarian citizenship;

d) if the bearer has been recognised as a refugee or temporarily protected person by the authorities charged with asylum matters;

e) if the bearer has been expelled from, or is subject to restrictions on entry into or stay on the territory of the Republic of Hungary;

f) if the card has been forged or used in an unauthorised manner;

g) if the family relationship entitling the bearer to a "Family of ethnic Hungarian card" has ceased to exist or if the "Ethnic Hungarian card" of the person with respect to whom the bearer applied for the "Family of ethnic Hungarian card" has been revoked;

h) upon the bearer's request.

(4) [Abrogated]

(5) The "Ethnic Hungarian card" and the "Family of ethnic Hungarian card" shall contain the following information:

a) the bearer's surname and given name (as well as the maiden surname and given name in the case of women), as officially used in the neighbouring state of residence (written in Latin script), as well as in Hungarian for persons of Hungarian ethnic origin;

b) the bearer's place of birth in the official language of the neighbouring state of residence, as well as in Hungarian;

c) the bearer's date of birth and sex;

d) the bearer's mother's name as officially used in the neighbouring state of residence (written in Latin script), as well as in Hungarian for persons of Hungarian ethnic origin;

e) a passport-size photograph of the bearer, his/her citizenship or reference to stateless status;

f) the bearer's signature;

g) the date of issue and expiry and the document number, as well as

h) an explanatory note that the card does not serve as an official identification document or travel document and does not entitle the bearer to exit or enter a country.

(6) Entries and certifications required for access to benefits and grants available under this Act shall be recorded in the Appendix to the Card, as well as in the Appendices thereto (Student Pass, Teacher Pass and Instructor Pass) serving the purposes specified in Section 10 paragraph (2) and Section 12 paragraph (3). The document identification number and date of expiry of the independent Appendix shall be recorded in the heading of the Card Appendix.

(7) In order to ensure the authenticity of the Card and to supervise the granting of benefits, the evaluation authority (or the information processing agency for the purposes of the provisions of the Act) shall maintain records of the information contained in the Cards, the document identification number of the Appendix to the Card, the address of the bearer's residence in the home-state, the family relationship entitling him/her to the Card, the number and date of expiry of the permit authorising the stay [on the territory of Hungary], and the information specified in paragraph (3). The information contained in the records shall be processed by the information processing agency not later than the revocation or expiry of the Card. The information contained in the records may, in accordance with the international convention on the protection of personal particulars, be forwarded, for statistical purposes, to the Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH), for the purposes of verifying entitlement and preventing abuse, to the bodies responsible for granting and maintaining records of the benefits and grants, to diplomatic missions and consulates, to Courts carrying out criminal proceedings, to law enforcement agencies and the alien policing authority. The information processing agency may release information in its records to the agency exercising official functions with regard to the issuance, replacement, revocation and record-keeping of Student Passes, Teacher Passes and Instructor Passes.

(8) For the purpose of evaluating applications and examining the existence of grounds for revoking the Card, the evaluation authority may request information from the following bodies:

a) the Central Alien Policing Registry, on whether the applicant is subject to alien policing proceedings, on any expulsion from or any restrictions on entry into or stay on the territory of Hungary, as well as on the details of the residence permit authorising the stay in Hungary;

b) bodies responsible for naturalisation, on issues related to the acquisition of Hungarian citizenship;

c) the Central Refugee Registry, on recognition of refugee or temporarily protected person status.

Section 22.

(1) Proceedings of the evaluation authority shall be governed by the provisions of Act IV of 1957 on the General Rules related to Public Administration Procedures. The costs of public administration procedures shall be borne by the State.

(2) The applicant may institute proceedings in Court against a final administrative decision on appeal against the first instance decision regarding the issuance or revocation of a Card by the evaluation authority. The Court may alter the administrative decision and its proceedings shall be governed by the provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure

(3) Detailed rules related to procedure of the evaluation authority, and the order of registering the Cards issued, as well as the content and form of the information contained in the Cards, shall be laid down in a separate law.

Access to benefits on the territory of the Republic of Hungary

Section 23.

The financial resources necessary for providing these benefits shall be made available by the central state budget to the state-run organisations and institutions granting the benefits provided for in this Act as well as to the profit-oriented organisations granting travel benefits.

Application procedures for grants available in the Republic of Hungary

Section 24.


Application procedures for grants available in neighbouring states

Section 25.

(1) Applications for grants available under Section 13 paragraph (2) and Section 18 paragraph (2) shall be submitted to non-profit organisations established for this purpose in the neighbouring state of registered office, registered and operating in accordance with the legislation of that state (hereafter referred to as foreign organisations).

(2) The civil law contract concluded by and between the public benefit organisation established in Hungary and the foreign organisation for the purpose of evaluating applications and disbursing grant funding shall contain the information, supported by documents, declarations, project documentation, etc., necessary for the evaluation of applications.

(3) The public benefit organisations operating in Hungary shall evaluate the application on the basis of the information laid down in the civil law contract, as specified in paragraph (2), and of the opinion rendered by the foreign organisation.

(4) Grant funding shall be disbursed to applicants by the Hungarian public benefit organisation on the basis of a civil law contract. This contract shall contain the conditions of the grant and the amount thereof as well as the purpose of the use of such funding and the rules related to rendering accounts thereof.

Central registration of grants

Section 26.

(1) For the purposes of co-ordinating the entire system of grant funding, a central registry of applications for grants and the relevant decisions made by public benefit organisations established for their evaluation shall be set up.

(2) The central state agency charged with managing the registry shall be designated by the Government.

(3) The agency managing the registry shall process the following information:

a) name, permanent address (registered office) and Card number of the person (or organisation) submitting a grant application,

b) the type of grant sought and

c) the amount of funding provided.

(4) Information specified in paragraph (3) shall be handled by the agency managing the registry for a period not to exceed 10 years from the date on which the grant is awarded.

(5) Information from the registry may be made available, in accordance with the international convention on the protection of personal particulars, to public benefit organisations established in Hungary and in the neighbouring states for the purpose of evaluating grant applications, as well as, in a manner not suitable for the identification of specific individuals, to the state agencies of the Republic of Hungary charged with providing the financial resources for grants.

Chapter IV


Section 27.

(1) This Act shall enter into force on 1 January 2002 2/.

(2) From the date of entry into force of the Act on the promulgation of the international treaty on the accession of the Republic of Hungary to the European Union, the provisions of this Act shall be applied in accordance with the acquis communautaire of the European Union.

(3) Pursuant to international agreements, the provisions set forth in Section 10 and Section 14 shall also apply to pupils enrolled in primary and secondary educational institutions in a neighbouring country where the language of instruction is Hungarian as well as to students enrolled in an institution of higher education in a neighbouring country and pursuing studies in Hungarian language or in the area of Hungarian culture.

(4) Pursuant to international agreements, the provisions set forth in Sections 11-12 shall also apply to teachers of primary and secondary educational institutions of neighbouring states using Hungarian as the language of instruction or teaching Hungarian culture, as well as to instructors of Hungarian culture at an institution of higher education.

(5) Detailed rules related to awarding grants and disbursing funds specified in paragraphs (3)-(4) shall be laid down in a separate law.

Section 28.

(1) The Government shall be empowered to regulate by Decree

a) the provisions on the designation of the state agency authorised to issue, revoke and register "Ethnic Hungarian cards" and "Family of ethnic Hungarian cards", as well as on the assignment of the state agency under which it is located administratively, on the definition of their competencies and on the rules related to procedure for the issuance, replacement, revocation and registration of such Cards;

b) the detailed rules related to travel benefits as laid down in Section 8, paragraphs (1)-(3) for persons falling within the scope of Section 1 paragraphs (1) and (2), on the basis of Section 8 paragraph(4);

c) the detailed rules related to student benefits and grants for persons falling within the scope of Section 1 paragraphs (1) and (2), on the basis of Section 10;

d) the detailed rules related to of instructors' further training benefits for persons falling within the scope of Section 1, paragraphs (1) and (2) on the basis Section 11 paragraphs (1)-(3) and of the instructors' benefits provided on the basis of Section 12.

e) the detailed rules related to the disbursing funds for persons falling within the scope of Section 1 paragraphs (1) and (2) as laid down in Section 1 paragraphs (1) and (2), on the basis of Section 14 paragraph (3).

f) the detailed rules related to application for grants available in the neighbouring countries, on the basis of Section 25.

g) the detailed rules related to benefits available in Hungary and assistance available in the neighbouring countries for nationals of Member States of the European Unions that do not fall within the scope of Section 1 paragraph (1) and (2), on the basis of Section 27, paragraph (2).

(2) The Government shall be empowered, on the basis of Section 3 paragraph (2), to conclude international agreements for the purpose of providing benefits in the neighbouring countries, as identified in Section 14 paragraphs (1) and (2), and for the purpose of implementing Section 27, paragraphs (3) and (4).

(3) The Government will provide for the establishment of Hungarian public benefit organisations to evaluate grant applications and award grants provided for in this Act. The Government shall also ensure the co-ordination of the activities of public benefit organisations already operating for this purpose, the appropriate changes to their founding documents and the reallocation of resources within this framework, as well as the maintenance of cooperation with non-governmental organisations established by ethnic Hungarian communities living in neighbouring countries.

Section 29.

(1) The Minister of the Interior and the Minister of Foreign Affairs shall lay down in a joint decree – with the consent of the Minister of Education in the case of educational grants – detailed rules on the requirements as to content and form of the "Ethnic Hungarian card" and the "Family of ethnic Hungarian card".

(2) The Minister for National Cultural Heritage shall lay down in a decree – with the consent of the Minister of Foreign Affairs – the availability of services of state-run museums and establishment of public education, and the detailed rules related to benefits entitled to on the basis of Section 4 paragraphs (1)-(3) and of further benefits as laid down in paragraph (3) for the persons falling within the scope of Section 1 paragraphs (1) and (2).

(3) The Minister for Education shall lay down – with the consent of the Minister for Foreign Affairs – the detailed rules on the benefits falling within the scope of Section 5 paragraph (2) for research in Hungary for external members or members of the executive board of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences falling within the scope of Section 1 paragraph (1).

(4) The Minister of Education shall lay down – with the consent of the Minister for Foreign Affairs – in a decree the detailed rules related to benefits for persons falling within the scope of Section 1, paragraphs (1) and (2) they are entitled to during their participation in higher education in Hungary, in accordance with Section 9.

(5) The Minister of Education shall lay down – with the consent of the Minister for Foreign Affairs – in a decree the detailed rules related to the use of the framework amount of assistance as laid down in Section 13 paragraph (1).

(6) The Minister for National Cultural Heritage shall lay down – with the consent of the Minister for Foreign Affairs – the detailed rules related to assistance for institutions operating in neighbouring countries with the purpose of promoting the self-awareness, mother tongue and culture of Hungarian ethnic communities living in neighbouring countries as laid down in Section 18 paragraph (1).

(7) The Minister for Education shall lay down – with the consent of the Minister for Foreign Affairs – the detailed rules related to higher-level education on the subject of Hungarian culture and of instruction on the subject of Hungarian culture.

Section 30

In the context of application of this Act, Hungarian culture shall be understood as to include the Hungarian language, literature, history, cultural history and Hungarian science.

1/ Act VI of 1998 on the promulgation of the Convention on the Protection of Individuals with Regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data, signed on 28 January 1981 in Strasbourg.

2/ The Act LVII of 2003 entered into force on 11 July 2003

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