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Mass graves of 28 Hindu villagers killed by ARSA terrorists were uncovered in Maungtaw township.
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I worked with UNHCR in Rakhine for a year. Bring me to Bangladesh
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Yes, their motherland Bangladesh betrayed after dumping them in Burma. Look after your stray children Bangladesh
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My prayers
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They need assistance through income-generating activities. This will allow them to think that far from the executioners, they can survive.
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Hello, Sir, may be they scare, but also, native people from Rakhine has been already scare, pls see the photo they are violation and Riots .pic.twitter.com/29fTbPJpiF
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Airlift to Saudi arabia , so , they cud breed & breeeeeed....
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They shd go to Saudi Arabia!
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Rohingyas carry many scars one of illegally crosng the international boundary once India shut it off then by other means want 2 be in India
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Why is the world not putting the right kind of pressure on the Burmese government and that evil woman Suu kyi to stop this genocide
Yeah very evil woman she needs a certificate frm u please courier her she will frame it & put it in her front office
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They are to blame themselves
You should educate yourself about the history of violence and human rights abuses in Burma instead of exposing your ignorance so openly.
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The most difficult ones to heal the hearts and minds of the victims traumatised by the acts of
#Terrorists u've been supporting for 2 decadeThanks. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo
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