2019 UNHCR Global Consultations with NGOs

2019 UNHCR Global Consultations with NGOs
Opening Plenary with the High Commissioner for Refugees
Panel with the Assistant High Commissioner for Protection
Panel with the Assistant High Commissioner for Operations
Panel with the Director for Global Refugee Forum
Inclusion of refugees and other persons of concern
Closing plenary with the Deputy High Commissioner
UNHCR would like to consult with all its NGO partners on navigating the rapidly changing global refugee context. How do we use data and evidence to make an impact on refugee welfare? How can we harness the promise of the global compact on refugees, and what can we pledge to make it work? How do we maintain integrity, prevent fraud and safeguard those to whom we are responsible? And, as UNHCR undertakes a profound decentralization intended to place resources and decision closer to the field, how can we work with our NGO partners in a more local and regional manner?
This year’s UNHCR Annual Consultations with NGOs therefore have a three main components:
- data and evidence
- the Global Refugee Forum
- regionalization
Regional UNHCR-NGO Consultations
In line with UNHCR’s process of decentralisation and regionalisation, we are pleased to announce that regional consultations will be organised throughout 2019. They will focus on the regional context and operational priorities as well as discussion on Global Refugee Forum.
- The first edition of these regional consultations took place in the MENA region, on 20-21 June in Amman, Jordan.
- The first UNHCR Africa NGO and Multi-Stakeholder Consultations were held 10- 11 September in Johannesburg, South Africa, for the southern Africa region.
- The first South America UNHCR-NGO Consultations: Solidarity in action on the path to the Global Refugee Forum will take place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on 21-22 November.
- Detailed agenda
- Agenda in summary: English | French
- MENA Regional Consultations Agenda: English | Arabic
- General Concept Note AC 2019
- Concept Note GRF day – 5 July
The NGO Innovation Award was announced for the first time in 2018, and received 165 submissions from 57 countries. The winners were SINA Loketa, an organization that empowers youth to self-actualize in a Ugandan refugee camp, and Artemisszió, a foundation that is creating an inclusive community space in Hungary.
The aim of the Award is to highlight NGO efforts and achievements that advance the innovative delivery of services to persons of concern to UNHCR. The Award 2019 looks for innovative and inclusive solutions in two categories: partnerships and connectivity. A jury composed of UNHCR and external partners will select a winner of each category, and award a prize of USD 10,000 to each.
For further details, please visit the award's website.
4. Background Documents
- Opening Plenary - Conversation with the High Commissioner
- Are standards the key to working together better: discussion paper | session report
- IDPs and data | session report
- Data protection
- Information for risk analysis, early warning and preparedness | session report
- Statelessness Data and Evidence | session report
- Enhancing Partnership Integrity | session report (UN Partner Portal)
- Evidence for Action: Connecting people and data in support of evidence-informed outcomes | session report
- "Are refugees' lives improving? – facilitating and measuring self-reliance and economic inclusion": discussion paper | session report
- Urban crises: Can area based data make a difference?: discussion paper | flyer | session report
- Our Joint Journey – towards a working environment free from sexual misconduct: discussion paper | session report
- Protecting rights in mixed movements practical and principled responses in the post-compacts era: discussion paper | session report
- Panel with the Deputy High Commissioner on regionalisation
- Social media | session report
- Broadening the base of support: Cities and local authorities | session report
- #BeyondFundraising: working together, better, with companies | session report
- Islamic Social Finance: discussion paper | session report
- Inclusion of refugees and other persons of concern: discussion paper | session report
- Thematic Conversation on Pledging and Showcasing- Protection Capacity: discussion paper | session report
- Unlocking the Potential for Refugees & Host Communities through Energy & Infrastructure: discussion paper | session report
- Education: Building Bridges to Inclusion & Quality: discussion paper | session report
- Solutions | session report
Partners from University of New South Wales (UNSW) in Australia, in collaboration with women of concern are conducting a gender audit of processes related to the Global Refugee Forum (GRF) with the purpose of drawing attention to gender equality and women's empowerment related challenges in refugee contexts. This will include a gender audit of GRF preparatory meetings, the NGO consultations, and the first Global Refugee Forum in December 2019.
The audit aims to support gender equality integration concretely through the GRF pledging process and in the identification of good practices. The gender audit of the NGO consultations will support the integration of suggestions and recommendations made by INGO's/NGO's on gender equality in the planning and outcomes of the Global Refugee Forum and the Pledging Process. More information on the gender audit.