AVSI – The Association of Volunteers in International Service is an international not-for-profit, non-governmental organization (NGO) established in Italy in 1972. AVSI’s mission is to support human development in developing countries with special attention to education and the promotion of the dignity of every human person. AVSI carries out its mission through the planning and implementation of medium and long-term sustainable projects and emergency relief operations in partnership with local associations, institutions, governments, and international agencies. Presently, the global AVSI Network links together over 60 organizations, most of which are local institutions in non-western countries. At present, AVSI is operating in 38 countries of Africa, Latin America, Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and Asia with over 130 long term projects and relief operations directly benefiting around 4,000,000 people in various sectors. Highly qualified AVSI personnel are directly involved in long-term field assignments together with hundreds of locally hired people and supported by dozens of academics and senior practitioners. Financial support is secured through numerous grants and donations of private individuals, associations, and businesses who thereby practice and invest in global solidarity. These funds complement those of international and national development organizations, UN agencies and the European Union. AVSI is registered as a PVO with USAID and holds General Consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) in New York, UN Children's Fund (UNICEF), an accredited participant of the UN Global Compact and is recognized on the NGO Special List of the International Labor Organization (ILO). AVSI is also recognized as an NGO for international cooperation by the Italian Government and the European Union. It has been working in Lebanon since 1996.
Website http://www.avsi.org Documents
AVSI Foundation
Phone Number 0777433200 Email amman@avsi.org Contacts
Full Name Riccardo Dallacosta Email amman@avsi.org