Multistakeholder Pledge: Supporting Refugee Family Reunification

Key asks & outcomes

Commitments which form part of this multi-stakeholder pledge will contribute towards improved access to family reunification for refugees.

Supporters commit to taking specific actions under one or more of the following pledge pillars:

  1. Law and Policy: Implement or advocate for policy changes, administrative leniencies and/or procedural flexibilities to support entry and exit and ensure effective access to family reunification procedures.
  2. Support and Facilitation: Build support systems of direct service providers from country of departure to receiving country.
  3. Data and Evidence: Address knowledge gaps related to needs and movements to improve the evidence base.


Based on the right of family unity, family reunification is the most relied upon third country solution for refugees. Despite legal frameworks and support services enabling successful reunions, documented administrative and practical hinderance prevent many others from accessing family reunification.

Recognizing the enormous potential of family reunification to secure the rights of refugees, save lives, provide a durable safe solution and promote the wellbeing and self-reliance of refugees, the Global Family Reunification Network (FRUN) is mobilizing pledges in support of effective and accessible family reunification for refugees.

Pledge description

The Multistakeholder Pledge on Supporting Refugee Family Reunification aims to mobilise actors towards the overarching goal of ensuring every refugee can exercise their right to family unity and attain family reunification. This Multistakeholder Pledge will promote synergies between pledging entities, share best practices, aggregate resources, and ensure tracking and accountability related to the family reunification procedures.

Pledge commitments will contribute to ensuring that in design and implementation State policies facilitating family reunification are evidence-informed and protection-centred, and that refugee families can access reliable information and holistic support throughout the process.

Additionally, the Multistakeholder Pledge will identify a small number of focus countries, where key actors will champion family reunification through comprehensive efforts to address structural barriers and pilot integrated support systems.

Aligned with the goals of The Roadmap, the Multistakeholder Pledge on Supporting Refugee Family Reunification aims to help at least 1 million refugees reunite with their families by 2030, through addressing legal and policy barriers, providing practical supports to overcome administrative and logistical hurdles, and gathering data and evidence on the need for and impact of family reunification.


Supported by UNHCR (in a coordination role)

Contact details

Global Family Reunification Network, UNHCR


  • 24 October 2023: Virtual Pledge Launch
  • 8 November 2023: Online Pledging Workshop
  • 14 December 2023: Linked GRF Event

Contributions towards this multi-stakeholder pledge