Multistakeholder Pledge: Climate Action and Finance

Key outcomes

  • Donor countries, International Financial Institutions/Multi-lateral Development Banks, other development actors and the private sector scale up and include refugees and their hosts within the scope of climate action financing windows and decisions, and simplify access to grants, concessional finance and innovative sources;  

  • Hosting countries include refugees in their climate action policies and plans as a basis for funding national priorities, including National Adaptation Plans, Nationally Determined Contributions, Disaster Risk Reduction Strategies and Early Warning Systems; 

  • Stakeholders collaborate to generate a refugee-inclusive pipeline of projects and programmes focused on impact, that are locally led, gender- and conflict-sensitive, inclusive, sustainable, and guided by scientific and local knowledge and best practice to achieve climate preparedness and resilience;  

  • Stakeholders mobilize technical assistance and institutional capacity to enable readiness to absorb, access and implement climate action finance and ensure accountability to refugees, host countries and local communities.


Building on the High-Level Officials Meeting (HLOM) crosscutting recommendation on climate change, and the momentum generated since COP27, UNHCR has initiated a pledge to mobilize new commitments around delivering financing and capacity for refugee-inclusive climate action. This mega pledge recognizes the generous commitments made at the 2019 GRF by host states and others and seeks to build upon these with renewed support.

Pledge description

Hosting countries are providing a global social good, while the costs and responsibilities they shoulder grow heavier due to climate change impacts on refugees and local populations. Many have contributed little to global emissions yet are being hit the hardest. At the same time, they often have less capacity to adapt, prepare for and address loss and damage, with large financing and implementation gaps particularly apparent in fragile and conflict-affected contexts. Those already displaced are often excluded from large-scale, long-term support and risk further marginalization.

As part of a whole-of-society approach, this mega pledge aims to mobilize and scale-up finance and support for climate action that is accessible and includes (rather than excludes) refugees and their hosts. It recognizes the co-benefits of climate action for peace, human rights and protection. Priority for climate vulnerable hosting countries, as well as countries of origin and groups with specific needs such as refugee women, children, and indigenous peoples is encouraged.


  • Member State
  • IFI

Contact details

Erin Bishop, [email protected]


  • June/July 2023: Virtual pledge launch.
  • July-Sept. 2023: Sub-thematic area meetings.
  • Sept.- Dec. 2023: Pledge development.

Related pledges to match

GRF-00516 - Government of Ethiopia - Provide market-based and sustainable household and facility-based energy solutions for three (3) million people through promoting clean, renewable energy sources. Find out more about matching this pledge.

GRF-00501 - (Solutions) Government of Kenya - Inclusion of refugees in County Development Plans and area-based approaches to building resilience by mitigating the impact of protracted displacement on host communities and preparing refugees for solutions. Find out more about matching this pledge.

GRF-00669 - Government of Mauritius - Pledge relating to climate change. Find out more about matching this pledge.

GRF-00910 - Government of Rwanda - Ensure sustainable use of natural resources by providing clean and renewable energy solutions in refugee and host community households, in order to discourage the use of firewood. Find out more about matching this pledge.

GRF-00924 - Government of Rwanda - Undertake environmental protection and rehabilitation in refugee hosting areas; Build resilient refugee settlements that promote conscious land use and reduce adverse impact on environment. Find out more about matching this pledge.

GRF-01019 - Government of Uganda - Promote inclusive and sustainable management of natural resources and ecosystems. Find out more about matching this pledge.

GRF-01033 - Government of Zambia - Connect electricity to all refugee settlements and the local integration schemes. Find out more about matching this pledge.