The Government of Rwanda
UNHCR coordinates the refugee response in Rwanda alongside the Ministry in charge of Emergency Management (MINEMA). UNHCR also collaborates closely with a variety of other Government Ministries and authorities including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Directorate of Immigration/Emigration, Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education. Collaboration with the District Authorities, particularly in the areas where refugee camps are located, also remains an essential part of our work in the spirit of the Global Compact on Refugees.
Donors Supporting UNHCR Rwanda
UNHCR is grateful for the critical support provided by both governmental and private sector donors to the refugee response in Rwanda, as well as those who have contributed to UNHCR programs with unearmarked and broadly earmarked funds.
UNHCR’s requires $91.7 million in 2024 to meet the needs of refugees in Rwanda. For more details on donor contributions so far this year, please refer to the Funding Updates

In 2024, UNHCR works with eight implementing partners to deliver services to refugees in Rwanda. In addition, numerous other international, regional and national organizations collaborate with UNHCR as operational partners as part of the wider refugee response and related strategies.
By working in partnership, UNHCR aims to provide comprehensive support to refugees and asylum seekers in Rwanda who are in need of protection and assistance. This is implemented through a sector based approach in the areas of protection (with GBV and Child Protection sub sectors), education, health & nutrition, food security, WASH, shelter & NFI’s and energy & environment.
Implementing partners in 2024 include: Adventist Development and Relief Agency Rwanda (ADRA), Africa Humanitarian Action (AHA), Caritas Rwanda, Humanity & Inclusion (HI), Plan International, Prison Fellowship Foundation, Save the Children International and MINEMA.
One UN
The United Nations system in Rwanda consists of 22 UN agencies, programmes, and funds, both resident and non-resident.
Since the Genocide against the Tutsi in 1994, the UN system has been a fundamental partner in the reconstruction and development of Rwanda. Since 2008, we have been delivering as ‘One UN’ to capitalize on the strengths and comparative advantages of the different UN agencies in the UN system and endeavors to achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
UNHCR is an active part of the ‘One UN’ approach in Rwanda and leads discussions about refugee issues among UN agencies. Between 2018-2024, the One UN Rwanda has budgeted around US$631 million to assist the country in its development.