Experience sharing on the use of data, including financial tracking, for GCR Support Platforms
Experience sharing on the use of data, including financial tracking, for GCR Support Platforms

On 6 December 2022, UNHCR convened a meeting in the margins of the High Commissioner's Dialogue on Protection Challenges entitled Experience sharing on the use of data, including financial tracking, for GCR Support Platforms. The senior expert level consultation brought together over 40 States, humanitarian and development actors, and other relevant stakeholders directly engaged in the work of the Platforms or in complementary interventions and data collection efforts. In line with the functions of the Support Platforms as set out in the GCR, the objective of this meeting was to identify data needs, opportunities, and recommendations to better inform the work and assess the impact of Support Platforms.
Download the summary note of the meeting.
Download the PowerPoint presentation.
Listen to the audio recording of the meeting: