Lesson plans for ages 9-11 in Human Rights and Refugees: To Be a Refugee
Teaching and training materials
Lesson plans for ages 9-11 in Human Rights and Refugees: To Be a Refugee
29 June 2007
The sad face of Iraq. Members of a refugee family in Jordan, part of the growing exodus of people.
© UNHCR/P.Sands
LESSON 4: How Does It Feel? - Part 2
Pass out copies of the UNHCR Lego poster How Does It Feel? Allow the students a few minutes to take in the picture and to read the text.
Comprehension and discussion questions
Use these questions as the basis of a discussion:
- Thinking about the three situations we discussed last lesson, what similar feelings might the lonely Lego person have?
- What similarities and differences are there between the situation of the lonely Lego figure and the three cases we considered last lesson?
- What do you think the people who designed this poster are trying to suggest through the way the Lego figures have been arranged?
- Who do you think is the intended audience of this poster?
- What attitudes towards refugees is UNHCR encouraging people to adopt in this poster?