Protection publications
Protection publications
This page offers quick access to the publications that are available on the UNHCR website.

Protection Training Materials
- 1. Europe: A Region of Migration and Protection. Annex 13 - Schengen Borders Code
2011 - 1. Europe: A Region of Migration and Protection. Annex 16 - Council Directive on the Residence Permit Issued to Third-Country Nationals Who Are Victims of Trafficking in Human Beings or who Have Been the Subject of an Action to Facilitate Illegal Immigration, who Cooperate with the Competent Authorities
2011 - 1. Europe: A Region of Migration and Protection. Annex 21 - Council Directive Defining the Facilitation of Unauthorised Entry, Transit and Residence
Statements by the Assistant High Commissioner for Protection
Speeches by the Director of International Protection
UNHCR Handbooks and Guides
The “Handbook on Procedures and Criteria for Determining Refugee Status” with its complementary Guidelines, and other handbooks and guides for partners.
Compilations and Commentaries
The “Thematic Compilation of Executive Committee Conclusions”, the Grahl-Madsen Commentary on the Refugee Convention and others.
This report provides an analysis of data on the implementation of the AGD Policy since its release in March 2018. It outlines the progress made against the areas of engagement and 10 minimum core actions set forth by the policy, and provides examples from operations across all regions on AGD inclusive programming, accountability to affected people (AAP) and gender equality (GE).
UNHCR Reporting on Protection
UNHCR Planning on Protection
Notes on International Protection
UNHCR’s annual reporting to ExCom and the General Assembly on international protection developments.
Outcome of the June 2004 regional parliamentary conference held in Cotonou, Benin, and coorganized by the African Parliamentary Union and UNHCR, in association with the Inter-Parliamentary Union and ICRC.
UNHCR's key reference tool on global resettlement policy and practice.
A series of legal research and protection policy papers issued by the UNHCR Division of International Protection.
This Handbook describes some of the protection challenges faced by women and girls of concern to UNHCR and outlines various strategies to be adopted with partners to tackle these challenges.
First edition, published January 2008
Guidelines offering practical advice on how to design strategies.

The Protection Manual is our repository of protection policy and guidance, gathering around 1,000 publications that range from the 1951 UN Refugee Convention to the latest UNHCR policy positions.

Procedures for registration, population data management and documentation.
Edited by Erika Feller, Volker Türk and Frances Nicholson, published 2003 by Cambridge University Press
This handbook aims to provide legal and operational guidance to human rights, humanitarian and development actors involved in protection efforts on behalf of internally displaced people and other affected populations in complex emergencies.