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Chiara Cavalcanti Retweeted
Millions of refugees and displaced will benefit from Sweden’s latest contribution to UNHCR: 400 million $ over 4 years. Flexible funds to be used where they are most needed including in underfunded crises. This is generous and exemplary donorship. Thank you
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Shelter construction started in Anyake settlment, Benue State, Nigeria. Thanks to
@eu_echo funding,#CameroonRefugees are supported in building their own shelter, a key element for dignified Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
We are there too, standing
#WithRefugees !!@unhcrnigeria from Anyake settlement#CameroonRefugees …0:56Thanks. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
...I would never forget my home!!
#CameroonRefugees and host community members march and sing in solidarity with refugees around the world Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Chiara Cavalcanti Retweeted
#CameroonRefugees continue to cross into#Nigeria fleeing violence in North-West & South-West regions of#Cameroon. Most of them are women and children & rely on already scarce resources of host community for food & shelter. Download update: Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Chiara Cavalcanti Retweeted
“Irrespective of how European countries choose to manage their sea borders, the principle of rescue at sea is one that should never be in doubt.”
@RefugeesChief …Thanks. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Chiara Cavalcanti Retweeted
The world's most neglected
#displacement crises, according to NRC's report launched today: 1.#DRCongo 2.#SouthSudan 3.#CentralAfricanRepublic 4.#Burundi 5.#Ethiopia 6.#Palestine 7.#Myanmar 8.#Yemen 9.#Venezuela 10.#Nigeria Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Chiara Cavalcanti Retweeted
Stati e attori coinvolti trovino soluzioni rapide che consentano ai migranti e rifugiati dell
#Aquarius di essere sbarcati in modo sicuro e rapido. Il rallentamento delle operazioni mette a rischio la salute di centinaia di persone con urgente bisogno di Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Refugees from Cameroon expressing their joy after their arrival to Anyake settlement (Benue State) where
@unhcrnigeria supports them with food, shelter and non-food Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Chiara Cavalcanti Retweeted
"We don't want to sit in the camp all day, doing nothing! We want to take care of ourselves, we need opportunities." Young refugees talk about their situation during visit of
diplomats & UNHCR @ Inke camp, northern DR Congo. Important to support Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Chiara Cavalcanti Retweeted
Sbarco di
#Augusta, le immagini parlano più di mille parole. Bastonate, ustioni, abusi e lunghissima detenzione nelle mani dei trafficanti: in molti ora hanno bisogno dei loro compagni di viaggio per reggersi in Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Chiara Cavalcanti Retweeted
Today we honour the strength and resilience of African refugees and displaced people. Today we commit once more to work with the state and people of Africa in finding solutions to their plight. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Chiara Cavalcanti Retweeted
Un feu a détruit des 100s d’abris à Katanika, un site de personnes déplacées par le conflit en province de Tanganyika,
#RDC. Ils ont perdu leurs derniers biens.@Le_HCR donne 800 bâches comme 1er soutien à ces familles déplacées. Etroite coopération avec@UNICEFDRC & Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Chiara Cavalcanti Retweeted
1000s of refugees from CAR, most of them women and children, have fled to a remote area of DRC. UNHCR partner provides medical support.
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Chiara Cavalcanti Retweeted
“I am impressed by their resilience and how with a bit of support, they have moved out of the displacement camps and settled again.” German Amb. to DRC, Thomas Terstegen, after meeting formerly displaced. More on
@refugees project supported by@BMZ_Bund : … Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Chiara Cavalcanti Retweeted
On peut aimer son pays et être contraint de le quitter... Le décor idyllique du
#Burundi cache une violence politique responsable de la mort de 1700 personnes et de l'exil de 400 000 civils ! this threadThanks. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
En RD Congo, la danse "réveille l’âme" des réfugiés dans le camp d’Inke via
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Chiara Cavalcanti Retweeted
Humanitarian conference on DRC in Geneva today is an important opportunity to mobilize resources in support of Congolese people including the 750,000 who are refugees
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Chiara Cavalcanti Retweeted
Le petit Angel, un mois à peine, dans les bras de son frère. Les violences continues en RDC ont forcé leur Maman à embarquer la famille dans un bateau de pêche pr fuir vers l'Ouganda. 55% des réfugiés de RDC st des enfants. via
@DuniyaAKhan@UNHCRuganda Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Chiara Cavalcanti Retweeted
In Rwanda to meet some of the almost 180,000 Burundian and Congolese refugees, and discuss with the government how to improve support, strengthen self-reliance and find
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