Mohammad was a skilled stonemason and a fervent sports lover. That was before war erupted, destroying everything in its path. In 2012, before fleeing his hometown in Syria, a grave injury changed Mohammad’s life forever. He was paralyzed from the waist down when shelling struck his home. He was only 21. Even worse, amid the chaos of conflict, Mohammad lost contact with his family.
Cash assistance: the best solution for urban refugees:
Cash assistance is an innovative and secure way you can help refugee families. It is also an efficient and secure way of helping millions of refugee families rebuild their lives after they’ve lost everything.
Provides flexibility to buy
what is most needed.
Guarantees security through
iris scanning technology.
Restores dignity, autonomy and
a sense of normalcy.
Gives HK$93 of every HK$100
to families in need.
Supports local economies
and fosters goodwill.
Keeps kids in school and
off the streets.
Today Mohammad survives thanks to monthly cash assistance from UNHCR, which has helped him with his rent. It also gives them the freedom to make the financial choices that best serve their needs. Like they did back home. When you’ve lost everything else, that matters.
But there are currently millions of refugees still waiting to receive cash assistance. Many are vulnerable to homelessness and exploitation, unless we intervene today. Please help now! With your generous financial contribution, we can reach many more refugees families with the cash assistance they so desperately need.
Where your money goes*.
HK$93 out of every HK$100 donated goes directly to refugee families.
Cash assistance restores a sense of normalcy and independence allowing
families to choose where they spend their money.
Key documents
- UNHCR Fact Sheet on Cash-Based Assistance 2018
- Policy on Cash-Based Interventions
- UNHCR Strategy for the Institutionalisation of Cash-Based Interventions 2016-2020
- UNHCR Operational Guidelines for Cash-Based Interventions in Displacement Settings
- Basic Needs Approach in the Refugee Response
- Statement from the Principals of OCHA, UNHCR, WFP and UNICEF on Cash Assistance