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Anders Aalbu Retweeted
Ta denne i pausen under Fotball-VM. Lykke til …
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Anders Aalbu Retweeted
When conflict reached his doorstep, brave Vasily set off on his bike
His story:
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Anders Aalbu Retweeted
#Sweden: young#refugees and seniors get together to teach each other new skills. An inspiring story by@aalbu: …Thanks. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Anders Aalbu Retweeted
Life expectancy, 1543 - 2017 …
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Anders Aalbu Retweeted
Look who I found in Oslo! It's Fridtjof Nansen - Norwegian explorer, scientist, diplomat, humanitarian, and Nobel Peace Prize laureate. In his name, UNHCR yearly grants the
#NansenAward - celebrating heroes who support refugees, internally displaced and stateless Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Anders Aalbu Retweeted
@Lan_Marie Nguyen Berg summerer miljøresultatene i Oslo og ambisiøse planer fremover. Ikke overraskende at byen nå får den ene utmerkelse etter den andre - og er valgt til Europas miljøhovedstad i 2019. Vi forstår tiden vi lever i & tar fremtiden på alvor, sier hun! Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Swift og Ferrari. Det er i alle fall navn som borger for fart når Kristoff bygger nytt spurtopptrekk. …
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Anders Aalbu Retweeted
Om 15 minutter fortsetter dialogen mellom Norge og FNs barnekomité. Her kan du følge med selv: …
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Dagen derpå-lesning. …
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Ikke mulig å høre 4-4-2 med
@aleksanderschau og@hanskalla i reprise i NRKs webspiller, så da får jeg heller spørre: Ble fotballguden Alexander Meiers comeback og scoring for@Eintracht behørig omtalt?Thanks. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Anders Aalbu Retweeted
North & South Korea have taken inspiration from their leaders signing a peace deal to play an exhibition doubles match to show their unity!
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Anders Aalbu Retweeted
Skolen må være en inkluderende arena for barn og unge både i skoletid og utenom undervisningstid.
@ReddBarna deltok på høring i dag og krevde nasjonale retningslinjer for barne- og ungdomsorganisasjoners tilgang til skolebygg og offentlige skole.@Pressrbu, stå på krava!Thanks. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Anders Aalbu Retweeted
En nordisk union? Trolig litt urealistisk... Men at d finnes stort potensiale for tettere nordisk samarbeid er åpenbart! D vil gjøre Norden enda mer attraktiv & konkurransedyktig i krevende globalisering. …
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Children are children.
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Anders Aalbu Retweeted
Using both his table tennis + bilingual skills, asylum-seeker Amine is helping school children integrate into school life
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Anders Aalbu Retweeted
Fascinating photo series shows the disappearing glaciers in Svalbard over a 90 year period. Source:
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All the best to
@therealstevenpi and everyone else contributing to Football Welcomes 2018. …@AmnestyUKThanks. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
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