
Text and media 3
UNHCR’s Representation in Canberra publishes policy and legal submissions, position papers, monitoring reports and statements as part of its supervisory role under the 1951 Refugee Convention.
Section created by Gabriella (please leave it hidden)
Legal and policy submissions
Besides the tag "submission", correctly added below, this list was supposed to filter former Texis scid=49aea93a6d, which was turned into a Drupal tag called "Legal-publications-list" on the Global English website (, but not on the Australia website.
Position paper
Besides the tag "positionpaper", correctly added below, this list was supposed to filter former Texis scid=49aea93a6d, which was turned into a Drupal tag called "Legal-publications-list" on the Global English website (, but not on the Australia website.
Monitoring reports
Besides the tag "monitoringreport", correctly added below, this list was supposed to filter former Texis scid=49aea93a6d, which was turned into a Drupal tag called "Legal-publications-list" on the Global English website (, but not on the Australia website.