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UNHCR Regional Director for Europe concludes visit to Armenia

Press Release

UNHCR Regional Director for Europe concludes visit to Armenia

During a four-day visit to Armenia this week, UNHCR Regional Director for Europe, Philippe Leclerc, met with refugees and their hosts and called for urgent support for Armenia
During his visit to Armenia, Philippe Leclerc, the UNHCR Regional Director for Europe, met with Lena and her nephew Styopa, who are both residing in a temporary shelter in Masis, Armenia.

Highlights from UNHCR country offices in Europe

Wafa Murad with Sudanese sisters Sumaia Adam and Hanan Adam Mohamed photographed on a hill overlooking the town of Rothesay.
UNHCR United Kingdom: A Great British Welcome
A powerful new outdoor photography exhibition is now open in London near Tower Bridge. The series, produced by UNHCR and Panos Pictures, features portraits by award-winning photographer Andrew Testa telling the stories of individuals, organisations, and communities across the UK.

Halyna, 97-year-old woman has lived in Kukhari, Ukraine, all her life. Her brothers and husband are buried here. She was forced to flee because of the full-scale war.
UNHCR Ukraine: Durable solutions for war-affected communities
In Kyivska oblast, as of September 2023, UNHCR has supported 8,865 people with emergency shelter kits for immediate repairs. Durable repairs of houses have ensured that more than 2,200 private homes have had broken roofs and walls repaired and windows replaced.

Greece. Refugees on Kos island find employment in the tourism sector.
UNHCR Greece: Yahya finds a job and a new family at a hotel in Kos
Yahya's face lights up when he talks about his work. During the recruitment process, UNHCR stood by his side, supporting with interpretation in completing the necessary paperwork and informing him about his rights and obligations. Equally important was the support he received from his colleagues.

What role does UNHCR play in Europe?

UNHCR works to safeguard the rights and well-being of refugees, asylum-seekers, stateless people and internally displaced persons by providing guidance and support to governments across Europe, collaborating closely with partners, and promoting the best international standards in legislation, policy and procedures.

As the custodian of the 1951 Refugee Convention, UNHCR supports efforts by governments and other stakeholders to ensure access to asylum and to international protection for refugees and asylum-seekers, as well as promoting durable solutions.  UNHCR works to strengthen partnerships with state and non-state actors in order to ensure the inclusion of refugees,  to garner support for both refugees and the communities hosting them, as well as enhancing joint advocacy efforts in the spirit of the Global Compact on Refugees.

With a Regional Bureau in Geneva, Switzerland, and office presence in 36 European countries, UNHCR is covering 49 States, including 27 EU Member States, and one territory in the Europe region.


Key global facts and figures

89.3 million people worldwide were forcibly displaced

at the end of 2021 as a result of persecution, conflict, violence, human rights violations or events seriously disturbing public order.

83% are hosted in low- and middle-income countries

Low- and middle-income countries hosted 83 per cent of the world’s refugees and Venezuelans displaced abroad.*


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