From emergencies requiring an immediate humanitarian response to contexts needing innovative longer-term and sustainable solutions, the Asia and the Pacific region presents a complex set of situations needing greater burden- and responsibility-sharing and sustained, predictable and flexible funding. As climate-induced disasters intensify and existing humanitarian situations reignite or remain unresolved, UNHCR will redouble its agile, adaptive and strategic efforts to protect, assist and pursue solutions for affected populations in the region in 2023.

Global Appeal 2023 | Regional summary
Asia and the PacificGlobal report 2021 | Regional summary
Asia and the PacificTwo crises dominated the region in 2021. Violence and political turmoil displaced over 1 million people internally in Afghanistan and Myanmar, and at least 158,000 Afghans fled Afghanistan, while over 31,000 people fled Myanmar during the year, 19,700 of whom remained displaced outside Myanmar by year-end. Â
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Note: The "Stateless" category does not include stateless people who are also in other categories, to avoid double counting. The total number of stateless, across all categories, is  .
Source: UNHCR Refugee Data Finder.
Source: UNHCR Refugee Data Finder.
Source: UNHCR Refugee Data Finder.
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Source: 2023 budget as approved by the Executive Committee in October 2022.
2022 current budget as approved by the High Commissioner as of October 2022; pending presentation to the ExCom's Standing Committee.
Source: 2023 budget as approved by the Executive Committee in October 2022.
2022 current budget as approved by the High Commissioner as of October 2022; pending presentation to the ExCom's Standing Committee.
Source: 2023 budget as approved by the Executive Committee in October 2022.
2022 current budget as approved by the High Commissioner as of October 2022; pending presentation to the ExCom's Standing Committee.