Sony Corporation
Sony Corporation

About the partnership
Since: 2007
Locations: Worldwide
In April 2020, Sony Corporation established the “Sony Global Relief Fund for COVID-19”. Through this fund, Sony Corporation made a US$3 million donation to UNHCR to help protect refugees from the coronavirus pandemic.
This unearmarked contribution will help UNHCR address some of the specific needs and considerations required in camps and camp-like settings and the surrounding host communities by scaling-up readiness and response operations for the COVID-19 outbreak.
Activities will focus on continuing, adapting and increasing delivery of protection, assistance and ensuring access to essential services, particularly in areas with high concentrations of refugees, IDPs, and host communities. This will include increasing the distribution of essential medical supplies and other core relief items such as jerry cans and kitchen sets, as well as materials for WASH support.
Sony Corporation has supported UNHCR’s work with refugees since 2007.
From 2007 to 2019 Sony Corporation has supported the UNHCR Refugee Film Festival which has been held in various locations including Hong Kong, Australia, Japan and South Korea. The festival seeks to raise awareness about the plight of refugees and to mobilize support for people who have been forced to flee their homes.
Impact at a glance
- Donated US $3 million through the Sony Global Relief Fund for COVID-19 to support UNHCR preparedness and preventative measures to help protect refugees against coronavirus.
- Supported the UNHCR Refugee Film Festival (2007-2019).
- In-kind donations of audio-visual equipment to the value of ¥ 3,500,000.
- Employee engagement and internal events to raise awareness of the vulnerability of refugees to stakeholders.
If you are interested in exploring a partnership with UNHCR, please contact us at [email protected].