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Fatoumata Lejeune Retweeted
"Eclipsing all the other identities I may have, I want to feel human first – human first. I want you to feel this too." HC Zeid at Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. Undo -
Fatoumata Lejeune Retweeted
We will continue to advocate against such attempts so that the
#localisation process remains meaningful, and empowers local organisations. …Thanks. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. Undo -
Fatoumata Lejeune Retweeted
How often in the Bible the Lord asks us to welcome migrants and foreigners, reminding us that we too are foreigners!
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Fatoumata Lejeune Retweeted
"People are dying - we need to be able to help them" - watch this update from UNHCR's
#Yemen rep@AymanGharaibeh through famine and lack of medical attention in the country are being aggravated as UN Refugee Agency relief operations are just 1% funded.Thanks. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. Undo -
Fatoumata Lejeune Retweeted
Beyond any humanitarian catastrophe that we’ve seen. …
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Fatoumata Lejeune Retweeted
How countries like Rwanda have achieved such incredible improvements in reducing child deaths:
Positive OutliersSimple health practices being used in Rwanda and other poor countries can help save millions of children’s lives.Thanks. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. Undo -
Fatoumata Lejeune Retweeted
Tension surrounds technology's potential impact on our future. One week until the next episode of Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. Undo -
Fatoumata Lejeune Retweeted
#Maroc-ain de#tourisme installe à Dakar son premier bureau en Afrique subsaharienne. …Thanks. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. Undo -
Fatoumata Lejeune Retweeted
#Bénin : le visa de court séjour est supprimé pour les ressortissants de 31 pays africains …Thanks. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. Undo -
Fatoumata Lejeune Retweeted
Growing and promising cooperation with
@ilo on#refugee employment, livelihoods and self-reliance. Grateful to@GuyRyder for his leadership. …Thanks. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. Undo -
Fatoumata Lejeune Retweeted
We've got exciting vacancies with February deadlines in our Legal, Fundraising, and External Relations teams! …
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Fatoumata Lejeune Retweeted
Wars create refugees. Who benefits from wars? Who are the war profiteers? Not the refugees! Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. Undo -
@UKenyatta plays it young to encourage youth voting. …Thanks. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. Undo -
Fatoumata Lejeune Retweeted
#SouthSudanese refugees are walking into Uganda through informal border points to avoid ambushes Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. Undo -
Fatoumata Lejeune Retweeted
Women & children bear the brunt of
#SouthSudan conflict which has caused 1.5M people to flee … Sudanese refugees continue to flee by the thousandsOngoing violence in South Sudan continues to push tens of thousands of people into Uganda, a country already hosting over half a million South Sudanese refugees.Thanks. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. Undo -
Fatoumata Lejeune Retweeted
Google CEO inspired by Nji's story.
#BringBackOurInternet …Thanks. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. Undo -
He is less than 18 and already aiming for "huge step" towards data compression. …
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Fatoumata Lejeune Retweeted
Above West African average, which is already above African average: Niger! …
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Fatoumata Lejeune Retweeted
Alarming situation as refugees fleeing
#SouthSudan conflict reach the 1.5 million mark. 86% are women & children … Sudanese refugees continue to flee by the thousandsOngoing violence in South Sudan continues to push tens of thousands of people into Uganda, a country already hosting over half a million South Sudanese refugees.Thanks. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. Undo
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