Sustainable Environmental Management
Sustainable Environmental Management
Environmental management is a major priority for us in all phases of our work, from emergencies to rehabilitating the area when a camp or settlement is closed.
However, our sustainable environmental management programmes cannot be achieved without the active involvement of refugees and your vital support.

In order to maximise positive impact and accountability, we work to ensure that our interventions are appropriate, effective and cost-efficient. This requires good management and up-to-date knowledge of our impact on the ground.
Over the years, our organization and partners have amassed a great deal knowledge and experience about environmental management in conflict situations. A key lesson learned is that there is a need for clearer and more systematic approaches to environmental assessments, monitoring and evaluation, as part of overall project and programme management.
To address this, UNHCR and CARE International developed the Framework for Assessing, Monitoring and Evaluating the Environment in refugee-related operations, or FRAME, in 2005. Planned and trialled with partners in many countries, FRAME has produced tools and guidelines that help managers and field practitioners address environmental issues and concerns.