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5.1 Multilateral forums for resettlement

Partnership and advocacy through multilateral resettlement forums

Building quality and expanded resettlement programmes requires partnership and resource mobilization. Global refugee resettlement activities are enabled and supported by a multiplicity of organizations, partnerships and platforms that bring together international, regional, government and non-government actors. A substantial community of practice for resettlement has been built through the Annual Tripartite Consultations on Resettlement (ATCR) and various multi-stakeholder and capacity-building initiatives, including the Priority Situations Core Group for Enhanced Resettlement and Complementary Pathways (PSCG). In addition, the European Union Asylum Agency (EUAA), the SHARE Network and the Global Refugee Sponsorship Initiative (GRSI), among others, are also engaged in advocacy and learning activities as well as in technical and logistical support linked to resettlement.

The Annual Tripartite Consultations on Resettlement (ATCR) 

The ATCR is the key multilateral forum for dialogue on resettlement and complementary pathways policy, advocacy, capacity building and operational support. It is co-chaired by the government and NGO of a resettlement State on a rotational basis, with support from UNHCR and in consultation with the Refugee Advisory Group. This annual event brings together UNHCR, resettlement States, national and international organizations, private sector actors, academia and refugee representatives.

Through the consultations, partners develop resettlement policy and procedures, advocate for the establishment and expansion of resettlement opportunities, build capacity and share best practices, enhance global resettlement delivery, share data and evidence on the availability and impact of resettlement and shape joint strategies on resettlement. The annual Projected Global Resettlement Needs (PGRN) document is presented and discussed at the ATCR to advocate for quotas that align with broader protection and solutions strategies and to raise awareness of populations who are most at risk and in need of resettlement according to UNHCR. The Working Group on Resettlement (WGR) supports the work of the ATCR through smaller and more targeted consultative forums to discuss specific policy and operational aspects of resettlement.

Refugees are involved from the start in the planning and delivery of, and participation in the Consultations, as well as other national and international fora on resettlement. The Refugee Advisory Group (RAG) serves as a liaison between the ATCR community and refugee communities at large and creates spaces for refugees to engage in discussions on matters of their own concern related to resettlement and complementary pathways. Composed of refugees representing national, regional, and global refugee organizations and networks, the RAG’s mission is to encourage and operationalize the meaningful participation of refugees and refugee-led organizations in the planning and implementation of ATCR’s goals, and to advocate and advise Consultation participants in their work, including on the design and implementation of improved resettlement policies and commitments. 

In 2021, a Steering Committee was created with a two-year mandate to revise the current structure and process of the ATCR and make relevant recommendations. Issues evaluated by the Steering Committee include the ATCR format, connection to complementary pathways, the link to other existing groups such as various thematic task forces, the role of the co-chairs, the Refugee Advisory Group, UNHCR as well as participants and the need to maintain continuity over the years.

Priority Situations Core Group (PSCG)

The Priority Situations Core Group (PSCG) is a State-led multilateral forum on resettlement and complementary pathways for the admission of refugees, for which UNHCR serves as secretariat. The PSCG aims to coordinate, promote, and sustain support for resettlement and complementary pathways, and to maximise the strategic impact of resettlement programmes in specifically affected host countries or regions. It plays a key role in mobilizing protection focused solutions through three overarching objectives:

  • Increase additional opportunities for resettlement and complementary pathways of admission in the context of priority situations, including through identification and support of collaborative advocacy efforts with UNHCR.
  • Act as a community of practice for knowledge sharing among States, UNHCR and other stakeholders, including good practices for processing modalities and approaches to adjudication.
  • Advance the strategic use of resettlement and complementary pathways of admission from the priority situations with a view to supporting host countries in enhancing the protection environment and opening up other local solutions.

The EUAA Network on Resettlement and Humanitarian Admissions

The European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA) like its predecessor (EASO) supports EU Member States Resettlement programmes through capacity building, coordination and information sharing among EU+ countries, often also involving other actors such as UNHCR and IOM. The EUAA also operates the Resettlement Support Facility (RSF) as a ‘one-stop-shop’ supporting EU+ countries’ resettlement operations from Turkey and serving as a Platform to exchange knowledge and expertise. Under the umbrella of its Resettlement and Humanitarian Admissions Network created in 2020, the EUAA also launched several thematic working groups such as the Community Sponsorship Working Group.

The EUAA’s Refugee Support Facility in Türkiye supports EU Member States’ resettlement operations from Türkiye. The RSF is coordinated and supported by the EUAA and some EU Member States and implemented through ICMC. The role of the RSF includes providing logistics, interview facilities, travel and medical assessments for cases undergoing resettlement interviews as well as cultural orientation. The RSF also supports the sharing of best practices and technical cooperation on resettlement between EU Member States.

The Sustainable Resettlement and Complementary Pathways Initiative (CRISP)

The CRISP, a joint UNHCR-IOM global capacity building mechanism, was launched in 2020. In partnership with relevant actors, the CRISP provided targeted capacity and systems building to States with resettlement and complementary pathway programmes in varying forms of development – new, emerging and established – to achieve quality, scalable and sustainable programmes. The CRISP is a direct outcome of recommendations made by resettlement States and key stakeholders during the Three-Year Strategy consultation process. Since its launch, the CRISP embarked on several key activities including the issuance of the UNHCR-MPIE report on Refugee Resettlement and Complementary Pathways: Opportunities for Growth and UNHCR’s Integration Handbook for Resettled Refugees (2021). A CRISP training package was also developed with the International Rescue Committee (IRC) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and delivered to government officials in resettlement countries. The CRISP also supported strategic capacity building aspects of GROW: Growing Solutions and Funding for Refugees, a UNHCR approach for increasing solutions and social/ financial support to refugees, as well as engagement opportunities for supporters.

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