General safeguards for completing the RRF
Following Resettlement Interview, if the caseworker finds that the Case qualifies for resettlement submission, an RRF is prepared.
The RRF should be:
- completed by a UNHCR caseworker, not by an interpreter or other individual;
- clear and concise, without jargon;
- accurate and complete, with all relevant information and required documents included, and
- without contradictions in the different sections in the RRF and/or between the RRF and supporting documents.
The RRF should be drafted with sufficient information to enable States to assess the eligibility and admissibility of each Resettlement Case member. The personal data that is contained in the RRF should be necessary and proportionate to the purpose of the resettlement submission and should not exceed this purpose. See 2.3 Data protection in resettlement.
If a Resettlement Case member requests to keep certain information confidential from other Case members, it must be presented as such in the RRF to ensure confidentiality is maintained throughout processing, for example, under a separate heading highlighting the confidential nature of the information in the appropriate section (4, 5, 6, or 7).
RRF section 1: Resettlement Case information
- Case and Reference Numbers are assigned automatically in proGres.
- Submission Priority: Indicate the submission priority, according to SOPs, and ensure that the justification for emergency or urgent prioritization is provided in Section 5, as relevant. See 4.2 Resettlement processing and submission priority levels.
- Resettlement Submission Category: A primary and a secondary submission category are required, and the reasoning for their selection should be explained in Section 5. See 3. The Resettlement Submission Categories.
- Case Size: The case size must match the number of individuals listed in section 2.
- Linked Cases: Linked cases should be recorded (only) if the corresponding case is being submitted to the same resettlement country simultaneously or if it has previously been submitted to the same country and remains pending a decision or pending departure. This is particularly important when dependent family members have been split into separate cases. Such linked cases must also be listed in section 3 as Relatives, with an explanation in section 7 emphasizing the mutual dependency. If family members in the linked case do not currently live in the same household, or do not expect to live in the same household in the resettlement country, this should be explained in section 7.
- Refugee Status (date) must not be left blank without prior consultation and agreement with DIP and the respective regional bureau. In merged RSD/RST procedures, an RSD case will usually be created and completed at Submission Review, changing the legal status of Resettlement Case members in proGres to ‘Refugee’ before the case is moved to Pending Submission.
RRF section 2: Case members and contact details
- All information in section 2 must be automatically populated, based on data in proGres. If any information is missing or incorrect, the corresponding data must be updated in proGres, according to SOPs, and the RRF re-issued. For guidance on handling inconsistencies during resettlement processing, see 2.6 Fraud and Misconduct.
- Verify that each Case member matches their photo in proGres.
- Aliases must be recorded for individuals in the relevant entity in the Registration module.
- Confirm that biodata is correct for all children in the Case and clarify if there are other children not included in the Case for whom Case member is a biological parent or caregiver.
- In the Name of Father and Name of Mother fields for an individual in the Registration module, enter the names of each individual’s mother and father, regardless of whether they are alive or deceased. If a parent is deceased or missing, this should be mentioned elsewhere in the RRF, e.g. in section 7.
RRF section 3: Relatives
- This section is automatically populated with Relatives and Connected Relatives data recorded in the Resettlement Case form. Any missing, duplicate or incorrect Relatives information identified during the interview should be added, removed or updated in the Resettlement Case form in proGres, according to SOPs, and the RRF re-issued.
- Linked cases, including household members from the same Registration Group and/or other dependents who have been split into separate Resettlement Cases, are listed here as Connected Relatives (and recorded in section 1 as linked cases for joint consideration by the resettlement State, with an explanation in section 7 emphasizing the mutual dependency). See Considerations on Resettlement Case composition in 4.3 The resettlement Needs Assessment and Initial Review.
- Other living close family members and dependents not included in the Resettlement Case should, unless agreed otherwise with the resettlement country prior to submission, be added to section 3, including children, parents, siblings and (former) partners of each individual listed in Section 2, and other relatives with a strong dependency expressed by the refugees during their interview. More distant relatives are recorded, if relevant, according to SOPs. Relatives may reside in the country of origin, the country of asylum, a resettlement country, or any other country. This data helps UNHCR cross-check and verify information, and potentially to consider linked cases for resettlement. The Comments section can be used to complement or explain further.
- For any relative residing in the resettlement country, provide the city/location, if known, and a Comment about most recent contact and/or frequency of contact. Also note whether the Case member(s) are willing (or not) to be resettled to a different resettlement country, if relevant.
- Deceased relatives are not included in section 3 but should be mentioned elsewhere in the RRF, e.g. in section 7.
- All known family members of unaccompanied/separated children in the case must be listed.
RRF section 4: Basis of refugee status recognition
The refugee status recognition should be summarized by reference to the established facts of the case and the legal analysis of inclusion and exclusion considerations. Sufficient information should be provided regarding individual protection needs and experiences of Resettlement Case members other than the Principal Applicant, either by using inclusive statements or by separate paragraphs for each family member.
The established facts of the case include the profile, experiences, events and circumstances relevant to eligibility for international protection and refugee status:
- Relevant facts related to the individual’s profile may include, for example, ethnicity, religion, occupation, sexual orientation and gender identity, membership in clan, family or tribe, place of origin. If the individual was affiliated with a political or other group or served in the military, provide details regarding any title or rank held and responsibilities assigned or performed. Information on draft evasion/desertion should be provided as well.
- Relevant experiences, events and circumstances may include, for example, activities in which the individual was engaged, opinions expressed, events attended or witnessed, and threats received. Provide contextual information regarding these experiences, including how, when or where they took place, the surrounding circumstances and other people involved. Indicate if the individual is unable to recall exact dates or sequences of experiences or events, and any reasons, if relevant. Experiences of others, including family members or individuals with a similar profile, may be relevant in demonstrating risk of harm to the Applicant. If the profile or claim is particularly complex, it can be useful to provide more information in the summary of claim.
- Claims which, at the RSD stage, gave rise to potential exclusion considerations, but where exclusion was determined not to be applicable, should be set out in detail, including with respect to the relevant facts related to the individual’s activities, their consequences and the circumstances in which they occurred. Otherwise complex profiles, including where the facts of the case may raise issues of inadmissibility, should similarly be set out in more detail in the summary of the claim.
- It is also relevant to explain the travel routes used by Resettlement Case members, including how international borders were crossed, documentation used, any assistance provided by smugglers and/or armed groups, as well as significant time spent in other countries and the circumstances of any returns to the country of origin. Relevant information should be provided where a Resettlement Case member left the country of origin at a different time or under different circumstances than the Principal Applicant.
Credibility in the RRF
Where a refugee has undergone individualized RSD by UNHCR under its mandate, or where UNHCR has verified refugee recognition by a State, the material facts of the claim have, in principle, been established, and a statement on credibility should not be systematically included in RRFs. However, where it is deemed necessary to refer to the credibility assessment and its findings, for example, where it is commonly requested by a resettlement State or in particularly complex cases, a paragraph may be provided to explain credibility issues that were identified at the RSD stage, and how they were addressed and resolved.
The legal analysis should be summarized and presented in a concise manner. Sufficient information should be included on how the recognition was granted, namely by whom (UNHCR or State authorities), the type of procedure (e.g. regular RSD, simplified procedures, etc) and the legal basis (e.g. 1951 Convention), with the following key elements briefly presented:
- Well-founded fear – Summarize the harm considered to be reasonably possible were the Resettlement Case member/s to return to the country of origin; including reference to the lack of effective protection by State authorities.
- Persecution – Explain how the harm identified, individually or cumulatively, amounts to persecution, highlighting the relevant international human rights standards, as appropriate.
- Link to a Convention ground – Articulate the applicable nexus between the harm faced by the Resettlement Case member/s and one or more of the 1951 Convention grounds (i.e. race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group and political opinion). The need to establish a link to a Convention ground in the RRF also applies where a Resettlement Case was recognized under broader refugee criteria.
Country of Origin Information in the RRF
COI extracts from UNHCR eligibility guidelines/ international protection considerations in each RRF is generally discouraged. However, published sources which make specific reference to an individual associated with the case, either directly or indirectly, may be relevant to cite in the RRF, e.g. human rights activists with a public profile.
Section 4 of the RRF must be consistent with the refugee claim and legal analysis in the RSD Assessment Form, where available. Resettlement colleagues may, however, amend the language and structure of the claim and/or explain in more detail certain elements, where this is considered to strengthen the account or respond to expectations and individual approaches to adjudication of a resettlement State. In order to preserve the integrity of the refugee status determination process, substantive changes to the legal analysis, for example adding new material elements or changing the Convention ground should not be made without consultation and authorization by RSD/ protection colleagues, according to SOPs. See Verify the refugee claim in 4.4 The Resettlement Interview for guidance in relation to claims recognized under government procedures.
Where a detailed exclusion assessment with respect to Article 1F was conducted, a summary of the assessment and the conclusion that the Resettlement Case member does not fall within the scope of Article 1F must be provided as part of the legal analysis in the RRF. The summary of the exclusion assessment conducted should be approached in the same way as the legal analysis for inclusion: rather than reproducing the exclusion assessment from the RSD Assessment Form, the summary should focus on the key details and critical issues, with support from RSD colleagues, if needed. Although long extracts of COI should be avoided, information that is relevant to the specific individual and related events should be included.
If no exclusion issues were triggered, provide a simple statement that there is nothing in the facts of the case to indicate that the Resettlement Case member/s has/have been associated with any acts that may fall within the scope of Article 1F.
Resettlement States may apply admissibility or “public interest” criteria by which refugees can be denied admission to the country on account of their activities, affiliations and/or circumstances, even if they may fall well outside the scope of the exclusion clauses of Article 1F. See the resettlement Country Chapters for related criteria.
Example of Inadmissibility: USA
In context of the United States of America, anyone who is or was a member of a designated terrorist organization and/or engaged in terrorism-related activity is inadmissible. The Terrorism-Related Inadmissibility Grounds (TRIG) of the USA include, but are not limited to, any individual who:
- has engaged, engages or is likely to engage in ‘terrorist activity’;
- has provided or provides ‘material support’ to a terrorist organization or its members;
- incited terrorist activity with intent to cause serious bodily harm or death;
- is a representative or current member of a terrorist organization;
- endorsed or espoused terrorist activity;
- received military-type training from or on behalf of a terrorist organization, or
- is a spouse or child of anyone who has engaged in terrorist activity within the last five years (with certain exceptions).
There are a number of individual and group-based exemptions to these grounds, which are noted on the US Citizenship and Immigration Services website: Terrorism-Related Inadmissibility Grounds Exemptions.
Certain activities, affiliations and/or circumstances that could constitute grounds for inadmissibility for resettlement may have already been addressed in the context of an exclusion assessment and reflected in the relevant parts of the legal analysis in the RRF. Other times, issues that are potentially relevant to admissibility for a specific resettlement State may not have been addressed at the RSD stage, for example, because they were not material facts of a claim and/or were not relevant to exclusion and/or occurred after the RSD was conducted. Resettlement caseworkers should anticipate and be alert to these issues and provide explanatory information as necessary and appropriate in section 4 and/or section 7 of the RRF, according to SOPs. A Case in which events or activities relevant to admissibility occurred after the RSD was conducted may need to be referred (back) to RSD for further assessment.
If, following a denial decision from a resettlement State, new adverse information comes to light regarding inadmissibility (including, for example, via a national security assessment), the Denial Reviewshould consider the most appropriate course of action. This may include referring the Resettlement Case to RSD/protection colleagues for a more in-depth inclusion or exclusion assessment.
RRF section 5: Resettlement needs and submission priority
In this section, the caseworker explains the basis for the identification and prioritization of the case for resettlement and the resettlement submission categories selected. This should be explained by reference to the individual circumstances of the Resettlement Case member/s and their protection situation in the host country.
Relevant information about the individual circumstances and protection situation of the Resettlement Case member/s in the country of asylum include:
- Access to legal and civil documentation;
- Risk of detention due to (lack of) immigration status;
- Access to adequate, safe, and dignified housing;
- Access to safe livelihood opportunities;
- Access to health care;
- Access to primary and secondary education;
- Information about specific incidents, physical threats, or additional protection needs arising from personal experiences and/or profile linked to a resettlement submission category (e.g. if submitted under “Survivors of Violence and Torture”, explain the effects of the violence, and the needs which cannot be met in the country of asylum).
In addition, specific and severe socio-economic conditions, climate shocks and other indicators of extreme hardship can be relevant to highlight the lack of local solutions in the country of asylum. However, general descriptions of the protection environment in the country of asylum are not usually necessary or encouraged. Experiences mentioned in section 4 should not be repeated in this section.
For urgent or emergency submissions, a short explanation as to why UNHCR is recommending expedited processing should conclude this section. For normal priority submissions, no explanation is necessary.
Relevant information about an individual’s experiences in the country of asylum not related to resettlement needs may be provided in section 7 of the RRF, in accordance with data protection principles of necessity and proportionality, and purpose specification. This information may be relevant, for example, on account of the Applicant’s long stay in a country of asylum or their specific profile and activities.
RRF section 6: Specific needs
Since the information in sections 4 and 5 is not authorized for onward sharing with service providers involved in departure and reception arrangements, integration, and post-arrival support, it is important to include relevant information on specific needs in section 6, even if it has already been mentioned elsewhere in the RRF.
Where medical reports are available, a summary of the report may be provided here. If no medical reports are available, the caseworker should describe specific needs and related symptoms or consequences suffered, as reported by the individual concerned and/or their family/ caregiver.
Specific needs reported by Resettlement Case members should be recorded in this section according to data protection and privacy principles, notably necessity and proportionality related to a specific purpose. The purposes here include helping the resettlement country in the selection process as well as pre-departure orientation, travel support and reception arrangements. Providing specific needs data here also helps to ensure that refugees who may benefit from information about available services in the resettlement country, for example, relating to health care, disability support, family reunification, legal aid, remedial education, will receive it upon arrival. For guidance on data protection and privacy principles in relation to specific needs, refer to 2.3 Data protection in resettlement.
Where a member of the Resettlement Case is pregnant, related information should be recorded in this section, with an expected due date.
Individuals must be notified during the interview of the reports and recommendations, for example medical reports, to be included in the resettlement submission, and summarized here. (see Closing the interview in 4.4 The Resettlement Interview). Relevant GBV-related specific needs and related reports should, in principle, be shared on the basis of informed consent, except where UNHCR considers that the information is necessary for the purposes of the resettlement submission.
RRF section 7: Additional remarks
Linked cases, particularly family members living in the same household who have been split into separate cases to meet resettlement State requirements or for any other reason, must be recorded in section 1, listed as connected relatives in section 3 and the relevant dependency explained in section 7. To ensure consistency of information on family links, the relationship of such cases should also be checked and updated in proGres, as required.
Other Resettlement Cases, whether they are still to be submitted, already submitted or already departed, may also be referred to in this section where resettlement to the same destination is desired and may facilitate arrival and orientation in the resettlement country. This may include, for example, the Cases of distant relatives, close friends and community members.
Note that a distinction should be maintained between linked Cases based on dependency, which should be submitted and considered together, and other linked Cases where resettlement to the same destination or community is recommended or requested.
Other information that may be relevant to record in this section may include the following, in accordance with data protection and privacy principles:
- Whether the UNHCR resettlement interview was conducted in person or remotely, the language in which the interview was conducted and the preferred language of refugees.
- An explanation of discrepancies in documentation or biodata, e.g. alias, inconsistencies in date or place of birth, registration dates, and other data in sections 1-3.
- The names of close relatives who are deceased (parents, siblings, children, spouse), and who consequently do not appear in section 3.
- A summary of Best Interests Procedures (BIP), where applicable, including BIA, BID and/or family tracing efforts undertaken. See 3.5 Children and Adolescents at Risk.
- A summary of other documents, for example, Medical Assessment Form (MAF) and/or other health-related reports, custody documents and supporting documentation. See 3.7 Medical Needs.
- Relevant information on the inclusion of dependent non-refugee Case members.
- Relevant information about an individual’s activities and experiences in the country of asylum, especially in complex cases and/or where the individual has spent a long time there.
- Relevant information on Case members who are in different locations.
- Relevant information on previous marriage and/or divorce, including if a Case member was married as a minor.
- Specific justification for lack of identity documents.
- Information on previous submissions, including the reasons for withdrawal or denial (if available), and the subsequent review conducted by UNHCR prior to resubmission.
- Specific challenges or anticipated delays related to exit visas and departure arrangements.
RRF section 8: Declaration
The Declaration page is signed by adult Resettlement Case members at the end of the interview. See Closing the interview in 4.4 The Resettlement Interview. If the resettlement submission (or resubmission) is delayed beyond six months, the refugee(s) should be asked to sign a new Declaration. For guidance on communicating the Information Notice before a Case member signs, seeIntroductory counselling in 4.4 The Resettlement Interview, 2.3 Data protection in resettlement and the Annotated Section 8 of the RRF – Declaration.
If the Resettlement Interview was conducted remotely, such that refugees cannot sign or fingerprint the Declaration in the physical presence of the caseworker, the relevant regional bureau may be consulted and an agreement reached with the relevant resettlement country. It may be sufficient to simply document the remote interview situation in section 7.
RRF section 9: Attachments
Supporting documentation included in the submission is listed in this section. See 2.3 Data protection in resettlement for guidance on data protection and privacy principles, in particular purpose specification, proportionality and necessity.
Depending on the case, supporting documentation may include:
- identification documents from country of origin and/or any other country, including UNHCR-issued documents;
- birth, death, marriage certificates, divorce papers and legal custody documents;
- Best Interests Determination (BID) or Best Interests Assessment (BIA) reports (see 3.5 Children and Adolescents at Risk for when a BIA or a BID is required);
- Medical Assessment Forms (MAF) that is no older than six months (mandatory for 3.7 Medical Needs submission category);
- other medical reports (e.g. x-rays, scans, etc.) as relevant for the submission;
- other documents referred to in the RRF where necessary and proportionate for the resettlement submission (e.g. police reports or witness reports related to incidents, medical reports related to injuries or dependencies, other reports), and
- authorized English translations of supporting documents. Original documents which are not in English must be labelled clearly with a description of the nature of the document.
Ensure that each file name includes the Resettlement Case number.
Certain reports are mandatory!
MAF: No more than 6 months old, for all submissions under the Medical Needs category. See 3.7 Medical Needs.
BIA: For children who are: unaccompanied where resettlement will restore family unity; separated; married or resettling with a parent who does not have sole custody (in certain cases). See 3.5 Children and Adolescents at Risk for more detailed guidance on when a BIA is required for resettlement.
BID: For children who are: unaccompanied where resettlement does not restore family unity; separated children at risk; married children in some cases and children resettling with one parent where there are unresolved custody issues or indications the child might be at risk. See 3.5 Children and Adolescents at Risk.