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2023 UNHCR Online Consultations with NGOs

Date: 02 March 2023 - 01 July 2023

2023 UNHCR Online Consultations with NGOs

UNHCR Partnership and Coordination Service (UNHCR/PCS) will co-organize a series of Online Consultations with NGOs in 2023, together with International Council of Voluntary Agencies (ICVA) and other NGO co-organizers.

This is a follow-up on the model of online NGO Consultations held since the onset of COVID in March 2020, and will complement the UNHCR-NGO Global Consultations held every two years (next edition will be in 2024).
Annual Consultations with NGOs
Annual Consultations with NGOs

Mirqaan, Ethiopia

Refugees and Ethiopians joined together for a friendly soccer match to mark World Refugee Day at Mirqaan, a new settlement in Ethiopia’s Somali region opened recently to house people fleeing clashes in Somalia’s Lascaanood City.

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New York, USA

Queen’s Night Market, an open-air night market in the New York City borough of Queens, dedicated Saturday night to raising awareness and funds for UNHCR’s response to forced displacement around the world. Vendors representing culinary traditions from around the world, including refugees, came together to sell their food.

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Liepaja, Latvia

In the city of Liepaja on Latvia's Baltic Sea coast, locals and refugees from Ukraine gathered for a combined celebration of World Refugee Day and traditional midsummer festivities. The event organized by Shelter Safe House featured storytelling, local dishes and Latvian and Ukrainian songs, with everyone getting into the spirit of things!


Based on experience delivering technical and vocational training TVET programmes and facilitating access to national TVET institutions, UNHCR and partners promote:

  • Market-based initiatives and programmes targeting refugee and host community students.
  • Expanding innovative options that were created or enhanced during the COVID-19 response, such as online and blended TVET opportunities and digital work.
  • Sustainable inclusion of refugees in existing national TVET programmes with the engagement of line ministries and aligned to national development plans.
  • Advocacy to ensure national policy and regulatory frameworks include refugees and forcibly displaced people in TVET services, including the transition to work following completion.
  • Combine occupational profiles with core skill courses to prepare trainees for their integration into a specific vocation.
  • Include content on forced displacement, peacebuilding and social cohesion in the TVET curriculum.

TVET is a core pillar of UNHCR’s 15by30 roadmap—the objective to achieve 15% enrolment of young refugee women and men in higher education by the year 2030. Expanded access to nationally accredited technical and vocational programmes will pave the way for more refugees to earn a technical or professional qualification, prepare themselves for a sustainable future and allow them to contribute to the communities and countries that host them.

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Higher education is a priority for UNHCR, as outlined in Education 2030: A Strategy for Refugee Education, forming an integral part of UNHCR’s protection and solutions mandate.

Higher education makes it possible for thousands of refugee youth to develop skills and earn qualifications to allow them to become change-makers who can take the lead in identifying solutions to the challenges that affect them and their communities.

The DAFI scholarship programme constitutes one of the five core pillars of the strategy to achieve 15 per cent enrolment of young refugee women and men in higher education by the year 2030 – the 15by30 Roadmap.


Nyayiel Riek Jal Wuor fled her village two years ago. Her family had been cattle herders for generations. She kept cattle herself and also farmed, mostly sorghum.

After the floods started, she tried to stay but when the water reached her hut, she sold one of her cows to buy a canoe and paddled herself and her four children to the relative safety of one of the IDP sites in Bentiu.