Please note that the search function is undergoing improvements. Search results may temporarily not show all available publications and webpages. We're working on resolving this issue as quickly as possible. Thank you for your patience.
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Search tips
If you are looking for a specific term or document, searching can help you find it quickly. When you search in UNHCR, you enter one or more search terms about the item into the basic search box, and you receive search results that match those words. Searching also offers sophisticated options that allow you to narrow your search in a variety of ways, with the most powerful options reserved for the advanced search page.
Be as specific as you can when searching for documents, use specific words instead of general ones. Enter words that you think will appear in the documents you want. UNHCR indexes all of the words in every document.
UNHCR's powerful search capabilities will often give you what you're looking for straight away. However, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the options that follow:
Standard search
international protection
Will return documents containing both the words international and protection (not necessarily together).