EARIN webinar on the Global Refugee Forum 2023
EARIN webinar on the Global Refugee Forum 2023
14:00 CEST
To mobilise action on the objectives of the European Academic Refugee Interdisciplinary Network (EARIN) in the lead up to the Global Refugee Forum 2023, the Network is organising thematic workshops.
The next online webinar is on the theme of the Global Refugee Forum. The objectives of the webinar are to:
- Provide an overview about the Global Compact on Refugees (GCR), the Global Refugee Forum (GRF) including updates on the upcoming GRF and the pledging process.
- Showcase existing pledges, initiatives and good practices in order to encourage academic actors in Europe and in other regions to participate in and develop new pledges, initiatives and mechanisms in the lead to the 2023 GRF
To find out more and register participation, please contact [email protected]