Global Refugee Forum Pledges from an Age, Gender and Diversity perspective: Challenges and Opportunities

Global Refugee Forum Pledges from an Age, Gender and Diversity perspective: Challenges and Opportunities

16 August 2021
Soverinah Nyirazirahaga, a Congolese refugee in Uganda, stands in a doorway, smiling at the camera

The stocktaking event brought together diverse actors, including States, academic institutions, international organisations and civil society organisations to reflect on the barriers to applying an AGD lens to GRF pledging; the benefits of including AGD considerations in pledging; and how to make pledges more inclusive of girls, boys, youth, women and men of different ages, persons with disabilities and other diverse groups.

Summary Report: Global Refugee Forum Pledges from an Age, Gender, and Diversity Perspective - Challenges and Opportunities

Tip Sheet: Recommendations to Ensure Age, Gender, and Diversity considerations are integrated in all stocktaking events and the High-Level Officials Meeting (HLOM)